Sunday, February 5, 2023

Santa Jaws



I know it's February, but my friends and I finally found time to watch this masterpiece.

What in the world?

A boy draws his comic book shark and it goes around and terrorizes just the boy's family. Well except for elf guy I guess. I almost forgot about the elf guy.

Personal thoughts

This movie was really strange. I mean the main characters were messed up and you kind of just wanted them to die. It would have been funny if the main character had died but he didn't and just experienced a lot of trauma instead. I mean there were only a couple of redeemable characters like elf guy. Elf guy did nothing wrong and was just a sad casualty that should have never happened. Everyone else was an ok death.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. I mean the plot was okay and I would have ranked it higher but the ending of the movie was just really bad and stupid. If the movie would have SPOILER ended with Santa Jaws dying then that would have been fine. Shockingly, that's not where the movie ended which made it worse. Also justice for elf guy. He was the best character and actor I believe. He tried his hardest and was brought into the movie for absolutely no reason. He wasn't a main character and was just randomly there. Justice for elf guy.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher