There is one way to get me hooked on a Christmas movie and that's having it be royal. There's something intriguing about it. I can't quite explain why it just hooks you in.
What in the world?
A prince wants to buy his own minor league hockey team and goes to a small town to scope out the land or something. He falls in love with a failed Olympic ice skater. She's not that good by the way.
Personal thoughts
This movie sucked. I have so little and so much to say about this movie. I mean the characters sucked and you didn't want to root for any of them. The man was just weird and we called him a frog because he always did a frog smile. The main lady sucked because she acted like a child the entire time. She always made everything about her too. I didn't quite get it. Chad was in this movie. He acted like a Chad but he looked like a twig. It was kind of weird. The only good character in this movie was Marshall who was the servant. He reminded me of someone I know which was nice I suppose. He was a snitch though so that sucked.
I have to give this movie a 0.3 out of 10. This movie was almost physically painful to watch. I mean the pacing sucked and when I went to find that screenshot I was surprised at how far in some of the scenes were. They just didn't match the timeline in my head. Oh the screenshot. That is candy cane cheeseburger casserole. An abomination that should never have been invented. I mean look at it. That is peppermint on noodles. That's not ok. Either way the movie sucked but the ice skating done by professionals was really neat. Other than that nothing good can be said about this movie.
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