Thursday, July 13, 2023

Christams Twister



This was a very spur of the moment watch. My mom had watched this and had recommended it. I had completely forgot about it but today was the day. 

What in the world?

Global warming has caused a lot of temperatures to rise and that means that December is now part of tornado season. So on December 23rd, all tornado havoc breaks lose. Oh and the title may seem like it is spelled incorrectly, but that's what the title card said so it's the valid name of the movie.

Personal thoughts

The nerve of this movie. It wasn't bad bad but it was bad. I mean it was a trip. The main characters were really lame. I mean they just acted as heroes, but they were also jerks. I mean they were in the right most of the time but that doesn't excuse their behavior. The side characters in this movie were also really bad. I mean they didn't do much except applaud the main people when they did anything right. Not an exciting part of the movie at all.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The movie was pretty boring when people were just really stupid and didn't know how to act when there were tornadoes around. There was an annoying part of the movie where they just showed the family dog running through wreckage so that it could get to its family. That was weird, but the dog did get to its family. The parents of the children also made out a lot and it was really disgusting.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher