Tubi has so much to offer and this just happened to be in a section all on its own. Part of Full Moon features if anyone cares.
What in the world?
This is apparently a sequel, but pay no attention to that. Scientists are doing things with a mandroid and one of the scientists is invisible. That's about all I understood of the movie.
Personal thoughts
This movie was a trip. I didn't understand what was happening until the end of the movie even though the ending also gave me a lot more questions than answers. Mandroid was probably the best part other than the stunts of the invisible man. Oh how could I almost forget about the murder hobos of the sanatorium. They were henchmen for the guy with the barely scarred face wearing an iron mask. He didn't need the iron mask but for some reason he chose to wear it. Probably so he could have a dramatic reveal later which didn't make sense because apparently he was in the first movie. Most of the characters were unlikeable by the end of the movie so that was a shame.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I mean it had its moments. The fact that you couldn't understand what was going on probably made the movie that much more enjoyable. If I had understood what was going on then I probably would have enjoyed it less. There was a weird evil doctor, a weird evil policeman, a weird evil mask guy, and murder hobos. Understanding all of these different motivations would have made me lose my mind so this was a welcome change.
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