Monday, November 13, 2023

Christmas in Evergreen



It's that time of year where Hallmark Christmas movies are an essential. This movie was originally just going to be background noise, but I ended up watching it anyway.

What in the world?

A magic snow globe strands a family and makes a veterinary nurse stay in her home town and all for Christmas. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting. I mean the old man was probably the best and the worst part of the movie. He was kind of creepy because he was so obviously supposed to be Santa, but he would just lurk around and tell characters really personal things about their lives. The bad love interest was really weird and had a helicopter drop him off in the really weird small town. Also the snow globe and Santa man have to be the same person or something. The one road in and out of town has a rock slide and everyone is stranded even more. I am not sure how a snow globe could do that but Santa can. It's all a weird scheme I would think.


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. It was really boring overall and the very confusing old man just made the movie even stranger than it was. Apparently this movie is a series, but I don't think I'll end up watching any of them because I was not too interested in the entire thing. Oh the transitions between scenes need to be talked about. So the movie was clearly made for live TV with ads and everything because they would have postcards transition to the scene. What made no sense, was the fact that the postcards looked nothing like the scene it was introducing us to. Very weird stylistic choice.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher