Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas Next Door



This one looked like a typical Hallmark where a guy doesn't like Christmas and then he does so we decided to watch it.

What in the world?

A man has to take care of his niece and nephew while his sister is stranded in Europe(more on that later). He ends up spending time with his Christmas loving neighbor and they fall for each other.

Personal thoughts

This movie was actually pretty funny. I genuinely laughed during this movie at what the movie said and not just at the movie. The kids in this movie were pretty good at being kid actors. They didn't sound like they were just reading off a script which was nice. The main lady definitely doesn't play violin though because her fingers never moved while she was supposedly playing. Oh and when she made up with the guy at the end, she gave her violin to a random customer at the restaurant she was playing at. WHAT THE HECK! That was such a weird thing for her to do. She didn't even take it back from the customer so it's all up to speculation what happened to her violin.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. I mean the violin parts of the movie were absolutely atrocious but the rest of the movie was pretty ok. I liked watching the main character go insane because lawn decorations would just randomly show up to his house. He blamed his neighbor but it was actually his friend. I would have guessed the neighbor too so that was nice to be wrong. The fake snow was also really really bad. It would stick to their shoes like there was no tomorrow and immediately melt when they got inside. ALSO, they walls of these houses are really bad. They lived two doors down from each other and he could hear her play the violin. Oh my gosh move. That would be the worst. I can't even hear my next door neighbors let alone a house that is two doors down. Worst neighborhood ever.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher