Thursday, December 21, 2023

Navigating Christmas



Tis the season for Hallmark Bingo and this movie just looked like a must watch. I mean who takes their teenage son to a lighthouse to celebrate Christmas.

What in the world?

A single mom takes her teenage son to a lighthouse to celebrate Christmas. She ends up falling for the lighthouse keeper. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was very interesting. The movie kind of seemed to drag with things that were not interesting. I mean they gave the teenage son a love interest that was pretty dull. I mean he got friend zoned anyway so it doesn't matter. The main people were pretty ok, but they just lacked communication. They also accidentally tell the son that is dad is having a child with the woman he cheated on the mom with. He was just standing in the kitchen and overheard them. SPOILER ALERT! He ends up stealing his love interest's boat (it's revealed that he has never drove a boat before) and getting stranded in the middle of the ocean, sea, thing. He got past the dock really well so it was surprising that he had never driven a boat before. Sadly, he ends up getting saved but that was the big climax of this movie. It was really dumb.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It was a typical Hallmark movie that had a lighthouse. There was this one part where the guy kissed a metal anchor in the cold and his lips didn't get stuck. Very unrealistic if you ask me but I suppose I can't complain. Oh and there was this really pushy mayor that was intent on getting everyone to participate in Christmas related activities for some reason. She was very very annoying.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher