This movie was just some background noise after The Magic Voyage.
What in the world?
A brother makes a scary snowman for his sister and tells her a story about believing in one's self.
Personal thoughts
This movie was wild. When going into it, I didn't realize that the snowman would be so weird. I mean my sister and I thought the snowman looked cool until he was just staring into the window. He's kind of like Frosty, but he has a creepy side and just doesn't make any sense for a children's movie. He was kind of pervish and made us uncomfortable. He blew a kiss to a child and he was the only adult in a kingdom of children. If these don't throw some weird signals your way then you ignore red flags. I can't get over the snowman. I can't even remember half of this movie besides the snowman.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I think the name Emery-Elizabeth was said for 2 whole minutes in this film. I mean it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They should have had a nickname for her or something, but it was so annoying to hear it all the time. Also, the snowman really brought this movie down. I mean at least make him friendly. He abandoned two children in the freezing cold to die. I don't know his motivation for that but it was just really confusing.
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