Thursday, February 29, 2024

Magic Gift of the Snowman


This movie was just some background noise after The Magic Voyage.

What in the world? 

A brother makes a scary snowman for his sister and tells her a story about believing in one's self. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was wild. When going into it, I didn't realize that the snowman would be so weird. I mean my sister and I thought the snowman looked cool until he was just staring into the window. He's kind of like Frosty, but he has a creepy side and just doesn't make any sense for a children's movie. He was kind of pervish and made us uncomfortable. He blew a kiss to a child and he was the only adult in a kingdom of children. If these don't throw some weird signals your way then you ignore red flags. I can't get over the snowman. I can't even remember half of this movie besides the snowman.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I think the name Emery-Elizabeth was said for 2 whole minutes in this film. I mean it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They should have had a nickname for her or something, but it was so annoying to hear it all the time. Also, the snowman really brought this movie down. I mean at least make him friendly. He abandoned two children in the freezing cold to die. I don't know his motivation for that but it was just really confusing.

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The Magic Voyage



I needed something to watch and I decided to put this on because the description got me. 

What in the world?

Christopher Columbus and his wood worm friend save a magic pixie lady from the Swarm.

Personal thoughts

I felt like I was going insane during this movie. It is dubbed and mainly ad-libbed by "popular" English speaking actors and it was just so wild. Every scene with the wood worm was insane. I thought I might be high and I have never been high in my life. I didn't know what was happening and why these people were saying and doing what they were doing. I mean the Swarm hates the light, but he wants to have the secret of the light. I mean that doesn't make any sense because the light wouldn't help anything. I don't know it was really funny. I found myself crying laughing all by myself. I felt like I was going insane.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. I think this has been a movie that has really made me lose track of everything. I mean movies have been giving me laughs recently, but somehow this movie was just full of surprises. I can't help but feel that maybe my brain rotted a tad from the whole experience. Oh and the wood worm and pixie romance was brutal. I hated every second of that.

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Royal Blossom



I wanted some background noise while I read and Tubi always seems to deliver.

What in the world?

A princess just wants to be a florist, so she enters a floral competition under her friends name.

Personal thoughts

This movie was frustrating. I mean everything seemed so predictable at times and the main character was very blech. She was very moody and didn't seem to be very pleased with anything that was happening. She really made me upset because she was just really unlikeable. The main character that she was interested in was pretty boring. He likes flowers because they won't cheat on you or disappoint you. I don't know who did him dirty, but they really messed him up. Her friend and brother got together which was probably the most wholesome relationship of the entire film.


I have to give this a 4. I mean the whole thing was pretty painful, but I did find myself being entertained even if it was out of frustration. The villain of the movie did not age well. He was a Russian florist and he was very stereotypical. I don't know who thought that up, but they should not have been hired and I hope they never write again. I mean it was really painful to listen to parts of the movie that he was in because of how his character was portrayed.

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Son of Dracula



This is a movie that was recommended to me by my mom. I figured I would have to watch it since usually she recommends pretty good movies. 

What in the world?

A woman brings over a Hungarian count so that she can give immortality to herself and to her lover. It was very strange.

Personal thoughts

Sometimes this movie was hard to follow. I mean it made sense, but sometimes I would look away from the screen for a little bit and then looked back and found myself confused on what was going on. One scene in particular was the first introduction of the count. Someone had just died and the party was over, he comes into the scene and asks to be introduced and we aren't shown anything from that. I don't know what was supposed to happen, but it confused me so much. One person I was confused about was Frank. He does 180's like there is no tomorrow. First he's against everything, then he is fully up for everything, and then he was against everything. I don't know, he was very confusing and I think the fate that befallen him was pretty well deserved.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The pace was really slow and there wasn't really enough to keep me entertained. The count stared a lot and he was pretty decent, but I wouldn't say that he was funny. The bat that he would turn into was pretty great and so was the fog, but other than that the movie just kind of fell flat. 

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Friday, February 23, 2024

Curse of the Mummy Tomb



This movie started playing after Curse of the Demon so I just left it on and I was not disappointed.

What in the world?

Some people dig up a mummy and take it back with them. The mummy goes around killing those who dug him from the ground. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was wild. I wasn't always paying attention, but every time I looked at the screen the mummy was killing someone. I mean the whole thing was crazy. There was this one scene where a man was reading to the main woman and then they made out. I don't know why they made out after he read her a book, but whatever I'm not judging. SPOILER He ended up working with the mummy and then being betrayed by the mummy. I think he deserved it he became kind of psychotic. There was also a really long belly dancing scene that didn't really make sense to me, but hey 1964 was definitely a different time.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I didn't really like the ending. My main man died and that's how it ended. They didn't really resolve anything and just kind of ended it. Maybe I didn't pay attention enough to know what was happening but that's ok. I mean the guy lost his hand somehow and I don't know why he did that. I mean he didn't lose it on purpose but I know he could have kept it if he wanted. I was also on the mummy's side because he made the most interesting entrances and let's just say it didn't end all too well for him.

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Curse of the Demon



This movie came highly recommended with just two words: "Cherry ripe". So obviously I had to watch it.

What in the world?

A psychologist goes to London and gets involved with a cult. I mean not involved involved but investigating what is happening with it. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting. I liked the first appearance of the demon and I was confused on why it was there. I was not disappointed when this guy came on screen. He's amazing just look at him. He could definitely rule some people or something. "Cherry ripe" refers to a song that is very interesting. It is used to stop a possession and I mean if you watch it, you should take notes. It seemed to work pretty well and the song was very brilliant and I had never heard anything like it. I also liked the living note at the end of the movie. I thought the guy following it was going to get hit by a train multiple times, but that's not how he goes out. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. My focus during the movie was in and out so I can't really say too much about the movie. I mean there was a clown guy for some reason. I saw him on screen, but didn't quite understand what he was doing there. I mean he did give kids some candy so that's pretty nifty.

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sherlock (2002)



For a good amount of time, my sole goal was to watch all the Sherlock movies that were on Tubi. I think I might have reached that goal. I will not talk about all of them, but this movie really struck a cord so here we are.

What in the world?

Sherlock must track down an opium trader killer before all the opium traders are dead I guess. He doesn't like opium traders, but he likes a serial killer even less.

Personal thoughts

This movie was going fine until Sherlock was having female relations. I really didn't like this trait of Sherlock's. It's a known fact that Sherlock was never a womanizer and that he had a distinct distrust of women. He had so much sex though. I did not find that very amusing. For some reason, he would also get flashbacks after having sex. I don't know why he had those and why he had the same one so often. Maybe to pad out runtime I don't know. I did like how it was kind of a Watson and Sherlock origin story though. I just really hated this movie. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. Maybe I have this image of Sherlock in my head and it corrupted my experience, but I am entitled to my opinion. Sherlock hit on almost every single woman he encountered in the movie. I don't know why. The one time he was drunk, but every other time he was sober. I did find the dedication to finding the killer intense though. I mean he thought he killed this guy around 3 times in the movie and it was getting pretty tiring. I think I would have just let fate spin along at that point and let him get away with it after a while. Yeah I would not make a good law enforcement or private detective. 

Fun Fact

I thought that this movie was riding off of the success of the very much acclaimed BBC Sherlock since the guy looks a lot like Benedict Cumberbatch in my opinion, but that's not the case. This movie actually came out 15 years before the BBC one. That was probably the most interesting thing about this movie.

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Theatre of Blood



This movie came highly recommended by my mom, so I just had to watch it.

What in the world?

An actor that feels he did not get what he deserved goes on a murderous rampage against those that he believe plotted against him.

Personal thoughts

This movie was crazy. I thought the premise was really interesting and then when I found out that his killings were SPOILER based on plays he had done during the play season, I was fascinated. That is just such an interesting idea for a serial killer. The plot twist at the end of his henchman really came out of left field and was interesting. I would never have been able to guess it. The dog murder in the movie was very strange. I mean he killed some stuffed animals. One part that really made me laugh though was the fencing scene. I mean the fact that they were fencing and jumping on floor trampolines was just such a strange thing to watch. I am upset about how the movie ended though.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. There was a lot of murder, but I thought that was interesting. The homeless people of the movie were really a lot though and that kind of took me out of it. I do think that the ending is a main reason that the score is kind of low. SPOILER! I think Vincent Price should have murdered everyone and got away with it. I know I know he was crazed and raving mad, but I grew attached to his dedication and creativity. Call me crazy for that if you must.

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The Raven



Usually I have a movie playing as background noise while I read, but this movie just stole my attention right away.

What in the world?

A sorcerer must confront another sorcerer to get his wife back that he believes has died. He learns this information from a raven.

Personal thoughts

The campiness of this movie was just really great. I think that's what kept my attention the entire time. I mean the whole thing was just amazing. The visual effects were super good, but you also have to consider that the movie is from 1963. One thing that was kind of disappointing in the movie was that the raven wasn't a raven the entire time. I mean the raven as a human was still pretty great, but I did really like the raven because he was cute and just a raven having the personality of a human was just amazing. This movie also gave me an appreciation for Vincent Price. I had never really seen him in a whole lot and this movie is/was the start of a Vincent Price era for me.


I have to give this movie a 9 out of 10. I loved most of the movie. The twists and turns that this movie took were just so fun to watch and I don't think I've enjoyed a movie like that in a long time. I do think that the plot could have been a bit more clear. I mean they went there and were friends and the bad guy's motive didn't make too much sense. From the looks of it, he was already good at what he did so I don't understand why he wanted to steal the other guy's magic. It was just a really strange movie.

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