Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sherlock (2002)



For a good amount of time, my sole goal was to watch all the Sherlock movies that were on Tubi. I think I might have reached that goal. I will not talk about all of them, but this movie really struck a cord so here we are.

What in the world?

Sherlock must track down an opium trader killer before all the opium traders are dead I guess. He doesn't like opium traders, but he likes a serial killer even less.

Personal thoughts

This movie was going fine until Sherlock was having female relations. I really didn't like this trait of Sherlock's. It's a known fact that Sherlock was never a womanizer and that he had a distinct distrust of women. He had so much sex though. I did not find that very amusing. For some reason, he would also get flashbacks after having sex. I don't know why he had those and why he had the same one so often. Maybe to pad out runtime I don't know. I did like how it was kind of a Watson and Sherlock origin story though. I just really hated this movie. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. Maybe I have this image of Sherlock in my head and it corrupted my experience, but I am entitled to my opinion. Sherlock hit on almost every single woman he encountered in the movie. I don't know why. The one time he was drunk, but every other time he was sober. I did find the dedication to finding the killer intense though. I mean he thought he killed this guy around 3 times in the movie and it was getting pretty tiring. I think I would have just let fate spin along at that point and let him get away with it after a while. Yeah I would not make a good law enforcement or private detective. 

Fun Fact

I thought that this movie was riding off of the success of the very much acclaimed BBC Sherlock since the guy looks a lot like Benedict Cumberbatch in my opinion, but that's not the case. This movie actually came out 15 years before the BBC one. That was probably the most interesting thing about this movie.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher