Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Fabric of Christmas



It was just that time when you want to watch a Hallmark-esque Christmas movie. This movie just showed up in my recommended as well so it seemed like a good watch.

What in the world?

A firefighter enlists the help of a seamstress to help teach him how to quilt.

Personal thoughts

The lady in this movie was crazy. I mean she freaked out over him leaving on a trip. She basically considered it the end of the world. The main guy was okay. We figured out that he was too scrawny to be a firefighter. He had absolutely no muscles and we thought that was strange. He was also a freak with safety. Anything that even could be remotely considered a hazard was something he could spot across a room. It would make him shut down because I don't know. It was crazy.


 I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I didn't really like any of the main characters and the side characters were equally as annoying. I mean everybody would blow things out of proportion and nobody would take anything seriously. The prices in the movie were overexaggerated too so that didn't make anything better.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher