This movie was recommended by my mom which meant I had to watch it.
What in the world?
A woman goes into shock after witnessing a man murder his wife. The murderer turns out to be the person they assign to care for her while she recovers.
Personal thoughts
I thought this movie was pretty interesting. The dream sequence at the beginning really didn't make too much sense to me so we'll brush past that. The antics at the mental hospital were very interesting. I mean the psychiatrist and his mistress were pretty psychotic. Well the mistress was insane. She wanted him to kill more people. I mean the psychiatrist killed his wife on accident and his mistress was all in to try and kill more people. She wanted more bodies for some reason. She had weird womanly wiles that only worked on him. She died though so everything was fine. I mean the ending was happy.
I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was really interesting to see how the psychiatrist would interact with the woman he was trying to get declared insane. It was also interesting to see everyone just trust him. I mean they brought in another doctor for a second opinion and he said he was doing all he could. He did question one thing, but other than that they had called it all good. The husband also was not really listening to his wife. I think that he should have listened to her more, but he just thought that she was insane the whole time. Or almost the whole time. I'll have to give him some credit since he believed her near the end.
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Your fellow film watcher