Thursday, May 23, 2024

Mount Hideaway Mysteries: Exes and Oh No's



I saw this movie in my recommended and it looked really bad. Hearing someone say "rolling a natural 20 in real life" was all the convincing I needed. 

What in the world

An ex-spy has to solve a murder in her hometown without the help of any real police.

Personal thoughts

This movie was crazy. Carl from the mayor's office was a strange character. I thought that he would be innocent because there was half a movie left, but he really wasn't innocent. That was pretty stupid and made me doubt what was happening. One part that confused me was that the spy base could not operate on US soil. What the heck does that even mean. I know what it means, but an organization based out of Washington DC was not allowed to work on US soil. How does that even happen? There was also a really bad fake car in the movie. They must have lost all their budget earlier in the movie and the car was the best thing they could do.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I was intrigued the entire time. The acting was bad, but the movie I had watched earlier today was even worse. It was so much better comparatively. This was not a masterpiece by any means and it ended on a cliffhanger. SPOILER Carl is murdered and the dead friend is alive. There is another movie which I will eventually end up watching. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Love and Penguins



I needed something to watch while I ate and I had seen this movie appearing on my recommended for a while. 

What in the world

A woman (forgot her job) goes to Australia to save a penguin sanctuary. She ends up falling in love with the penguin guy.

Personal thoughts

This movie was very bad. The acting was really bad and the movie mocked me. The penguins were the only good part of the movie. I called them little guys (because they are) and then the movie also called them little guys and it hurt my soul. It ruined the words little guys for me. The acting was atrocious. They talked like not normal people and it hurt me. It was painful to sit through and I wanted to turn it off, but I had to persevere.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The penguins were really the best part of the movie. I did like the couple that ran the sanctuary. I did not like how the one guy sang, but that's not that big of a deal. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Pumaman



My mom has wanted me to watch this for a while and we finally found time to watch it together.

What in the world?

A man finds out that he is the Pumaman (pronounced Pew-muh-man) and must fight someone that can mind control people.

Personal thoughts

This movie was crazy. I mean the absurdity of it was just the right amount not to ruin anything. The flying of the Pumaman was crazy. The belt was in complete control of the entire thing. The flying was one of the best parts, but there was one flying scene that really takes the cake. Have you ever wanted to fight a helicopter but you're too small? That's not a Pumaman problem. He can change sizes to be smaller, larger, or the same size as a helicopter. It's a very impressive achievement. The aliens were kind of weird too. They took their giant Christmas ornament, went to Stonehenge, and dropped off a mask that is for evil. That doesn't even make too much sense, but they took the mask back at the end. I have no idea what the point of the mask was. It got us a movie though so it's fine.


I have to give this movie an 9.5 out of 10. This movie was really good, but the flying scenes were just too long. I did like every scene that he flew in, but he could have flown faster or for less time. The main love interest had to have some kind of problem because she never really closed her mouth. I wonder how many bugs she has ate. 

Watch what you love,

Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Terror Squad


This movie was recommended by my mom and was one that I had to watch with friends. We gathered together and watched this movie.

What in the world?

Terrorists attack Indiana and it ends up involving high school students. I don't really know the best way to describe the plot of this movie. 

Personal thoughts

I enjoyed this movie more than my friends did, but I didn't thoroughly enjoy it. At the beginning, there was an overdone chase scene that made me want to fast forward. It just went on way longer than it should have. I did like how almost every car blew up though. It made the chase scene semi-bearable. I did feel like I missed something when the terrorists from the car chase showed up at the high school. It just felt really soon. Also, Gus was my favorite character and he had to get himself killed. I don't know why he was harmonica playing and everyone blamed him. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THERE WERE TERRORISTS IN THERE?!?!? I think Gus should get no blame for his death. He also didn't deserve to die. I think that the movie just needed motivation for the main guy to do good guy things. I don't know.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was enjoyable for what it was. One of the funniest parts was the bus changing length during the end sequence. It was crazy how often it changed. Also, they killed so many of the hostages and their whole thing was to not kill hostages. Make up your mind terrorists. I didn't really understand that part and when the one kid was going to shoot the terrorist but the other one shot him. That was frustrating. Oh, the police chief also seemed to be in with the terrorists. He just kind of gave into their demands and didn't send the people in when gun shots were fired. Worst police chief ever!!

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Picture of Dorian Gray



This is one of the many movies that has been recommended to me by my mother. It was high time I watched a movie anyway.

What in the world?

A man puts his soul in a painting on accident and never ages kind of. I mean physically he doesn't age, I don't know about mentally though. I think he ages mentally.

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting. I liked how the painting was the only thing that would be in color. I thought that everything was kind of weird with the man and I mean he was supposed to be weird. I think that the man was supposed to be weird like that. He was very sullen and boring. There was a strange part near the beginning where he meets his love interest where there are puppets playing what appears to be a marimba with their feet. I think that just stuck out to me so much because it was weird and they kind of just glossed over it. That was probably the most interesting thing in the movie. I also thought that his last interest was just played by the same lady as the first one, but they are actually different people. It was just kind of hard to tell people apart in the movie. Maybe that's just because it was in black and white.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It was pretty good, but I just couldn't retain that much attention. I thought that his covering up of murder was pretty funny. He was so subtle about killing a guy in his attic. No one really cared about that guy, but I cared about that guy. He didn't deserve to die just for seeing a painting. I mean some of the servants he had hired saw the painting and they got to live. What was the point of killing the one guy. Sad days, sad days.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher