Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Terror Squad


This movie was recommended by my mom and was one that I had to watch with friends. We gathered together and watched this movie.

What in the world?

Terrorists attack Indiana and it ends up involving high school students. I don't really know the best way to describe the plot of this movie. 

Personal thoughts

I enjoyed this movie more than my friends did, but I didn't thoroughly enjoy it. At the beginning, there was an overdone chase scene that made me want to fast forward. It just went on way longer than it should have. I did like how almost every car blew up though. It made the chase scene semi-bearable. I did feel like I missed something when the terrorists from the car chase showed up at the high school. It just felt really soon. Also, Gus was my favorite character and he had to get himself killed. I don't know why he was harmonica playing and everyone blamed him. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THERE WERE TERRORISTS IN THERE?!?!? I think Gus should get no blame for his death. He also didn't deserve to die. I think that the movie just needed motivation for the main guy to do good guy things. I don't know.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was enjoyable for what it was. One of the funniest parts was the bus changing length during the end sequence. It was crazy how often it changed. Also, they killed so many of the hostages and their whole thing was to not kill hostages. Make up your mind terrorists. I didn't really understand that part and when the one kid was going to shoot the terrorist but the other one shot him. That was frustrating. Oh, the police chief also seemed to be in with the terrorists. He just kind of gave into their demands and didn't send the people in when gun shots were fired. Worst police chief ever!!

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher