My mom has wanted me to watch this for a while and we finally found time to watch it together.
What in the world?
A man finds out that he is the Pumaman (pronounced Pew-muh-man) and must fight someone that can mind control people.
Personal thoughts
This movie was crazy. I mean the absurdity of it was just the right amount not to ruin anything. The flying of the Pumaman was crazy. The belt was in complete control of the entire thing. The flying was one of the best parts, but there was one flying scene that really takes the cake. Have you ever wanted to fight a helicopter but you're too small? That's not a Pumaman problem. He can change sizes to be smaller, larger, or the same size as a helicopter. It's a very impressive achievement. The aliens were kind of weird too. They took their giant Christmas ornament, went to Stonehenge, and dropped off a mask that is for evil. That doesn't even make too much sense, but they took the mask back at the end. I have no idea what the point of the mask was. It got us a movie though so it's fine.
I have to give this movie an 9.5 out of 10. This movie was really good, but the flying scenes were just too long. I did like every scene that he flew in, but he could have flown faster or for less time. The main love interest had to have some kind of problem because she never really closed her mouth. I wonder how many bugs she has ate.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher