Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Hometown Holiday



An executive decision was made to take a small break from Wownow. As a last resort, my next choice of movie would be a classic Hallmark ripoff.

What in the world?

A lawyer tries to get some country singer to sign to his talent company. He goes to the town and then falls in love with a basic, boring girl. Of course, antics ensue.

Personal thoughts

Of course this movie had all the checks of a classic romance movie. The only good character was the child of the singer and he wasn't even in the movie that much. The acting throughout the movie was shockingly bad and I don't know why everything was so country related. Almost the whole movie was set in your run of the mill small, country town. 


I would have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. The movie had it's charm to it and the child really brought the score up. I found myself guessing the plot which is a basic to have an essential run of the mill Hallmark movie. The main characters were probably the most boring people I have seen. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

The Thanksgiving Movie



It was time to make someone else watch Wownow. To be fair, Thanksgiving is next month but might as well get a head start. This time I made my sister watch it so my mom had a teeny tiny break.

What in the world?

After a parrot steals some very important gems, a turkey must go and save Thanksgiving. He teams up with some kind of ancient bird so that he can take down an evil, pirate parrot. 

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie wasn't the worst Wownow film I have watched. The ending was super weird and abrupt but aren't they all. The turkey had the stupidest name of all time but that's besides the point. The humor in this one wasn't the best that I've seen but I'll let it slide.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The scenes always seemed to be in dark lighting. Although I didn't find myself falling asleep, I did feel as though the movie was missing it's Wownow charm. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this movie but not as much as any of the other ones that I have seen.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Halloween Family



Again Tubi TV has recommended me a weird "gem." Well since this is the season of scares I thought watching this would be the perfect way to get in touch with Halloween.

What in the world?

A mummy and a zombie complain about their life and want to be alive for once. They go on a quest to turn into regular people. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was so strange. I found myself falling asleep while watching and that never happens. The dialogue was super weird and great but was oddly unfulfilling. I wish I could accurately describe the best part of the movie but sadly I cannot. I also do not recommend watching this horror even for the little snippets of joy that it brought into my life. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I found myself laughing a lot but it just wasn't enough. The fact that my eyes were closing shut just brings home the fact that this movie just can't keep someone entertained for the amount of time that it lasts. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sirenetta and the Second Star



Tubi TV recommended it. I literally don't even know what else to say about how I found this.

What in the world?

A girl who is a mermaid tries to help four extraterrestrial mermaids find a home. A pirate is trying to stop the mermaids from finding a home. 

Personal thoughts

This movie made no sense. Everything lacked a transition which led to a lot of confusion and a lot of weird things. The movements of the characters were probably the best part of the entire movie. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The animation was atrocious and the characters sounded like they were in a tunnel or something. The plot was basically nonexistent and every transition literally felt like a deep dive into insanity. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, October 25, 2021

Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams



I have been a huge "fan" of Barbie. It had been a while since Barbie had made an impact in my life but here I am watching a new Barbie movie. I'm not a fan of the new animation for Barbie but I found myself watching the movies anyway.

What in the world?

Little Barbie believes that she is talented so she goes to a performing arts school in New York. She arrives early and meets her roommate...Barbie Roberts. Oh if you didn't know Barbie's last name is Roberts. It's a whole lot to take in.

Personal thoughts

No plot. Nothing interesting happens the whole time. Of course the movie has music but that's not even that good. I felt like I was just watching Barbie go to school and make friends. I still have no idea why they made this into a movie. I don't even want to describe to you how awful one of the side characters is. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The movie was painfully boring with the worst sense of style that I have ever seen. The dresses freaking light up and look even worse than they did in the first place. The villain doesn't even do anything except for lie about being an eye witness. Many misunderstandings lead to a useless movie. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Halloween Dragon



Like a lightning strike, this movie appeared. I thought it was gone forever but as I was scrolling for torture, it showed up. After seeing this movie's trailer, I knew that I just had to see what it was all about for myself.

What in the world?

This movie is about a dragon and a freaking cockroach who wander across a dimensional vortex and get transported into another dimension. The Scottish king sends bounty hunters and random citizens to go get the two animals back.

Personal thoughts

I found one of my favorite quotes from this movie, "We find the tree, we find the Wees." I have no idea why I appreciate that so much but here we are. The movie was so weird because of the Great Sage just being an absolute icon. The Great Sage would actively speak his mind and would not be ashamed of doing so.


This movie would have to get a 6 out of 10. I love the gatekeeper Scorch and I loved the Great Sage. The other characters I could literally care less about. Since the plot was absolute garbage, the characters really pushed the movie. I couldn't help but to laugh at all of the stupid things that people would say. Also why the heckin heck was the king Scottish.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, October 19, 2021




Tis the season for spooks and what better way to celebrate than to watch disastrous animation. I cannot express how much I truly appreciate Wownow studio for coming up with these awful movies.

What in the world?

The evil witch of Halloweenland (I think that's the right name) gets bored of Halloween and tries to pull off a Christmas coup. An elf and a leprechaun get stuck and have to fight her plans to try and get out. 

Personal thoughts

Ok this movie was a trip. The humor was strange but the rest of the movie was pretty good. I don't understand what the goal of the movie was because it just seemed to be the weird elf getting out of the creepy area. The best part of the movie is when the elf flirts with the witch. 


I would have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The jarring animation is just a mask for a decent movie. Yes the animation is horrifying but the movie uses that to its advantage or at least I believe that it does. There were some good jokes but the names of the characters are actually very stupid. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Lion Kid 2



I can't help but be drawn to these horribly animated movies. I've binged way too many in the past couple of days that I can feel my sanity slowly leaving my body. Again this movie is on Tubi TV but who knows for how long.

What in the world?

A sheriff comes back from a vacation only to find that the town has been overtaken by tyranny. He then spends the whole movie plotting on how to peacefully perform a coup. The coup is not as exciting as you think it would be. 

Personal thoughts

The one adult joke they had in there easily could have been taken out of the script. The backgrounds of scenes have honestly got to be the best and the worst part of the movie. They always seem to be in a loop but not a soul sucking time loop.


I would have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. They could have gone without some of the weird writing choices like the fact that they emphasized a circus without actually having anything happen on that note. Also the citizens like to complain about tyranny with no emotion on their faces which actually brings up the score from a 3.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Car Go



I actually saw the synopsis of this movie a few months ago and had been dying to watch it for a while. I finally found time to watch it and oh my gosh it is a trip.

What in the world?

A car has begun a teenage rebellious face which leads to some drama with his father. He has to go save his dad from death in this "coming of age" movie.

Personal thoughts

This movie had so many surprises. The fact that they had car juvey is one of the weirdest things I had ever seen. The ferryman is so creepy and lovable just gonna say that. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. Yes I felt like I was going to lose my mind but I somewhat enjoyed this movie. Yes it was kind of technically a musical but all the songs were just randomly placed at either the beginning or the end which is not a musical just saying. Other than that the movie was morbid and funny at some points.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Pup Scouts



I think I have finally taken a deep dive into insanity. After watching the trailer for this, I thought it would be funny to watch whatever this was but I was so wrong.

What in the world?

Some stupid flying puppies enter an endless time loop to answer a question. They get help from an AI robot who could easily answer their question. 

Personal thoughts

Ok the first time the movie went through a time loop, I thought it was kind of funny. I was incorrect. The whole movie is a time loop with it just abruptly ending on a question about poodles or something. The robot was very annoying and so were the dogs and their voices.


I would have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. I think I almost officially lost my mind. I can't even begin to describe the emotional trauma that I went through with my mom. If you want to rot your brain and lose years off of your life then watch this movie. Otherwise stay very far away.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, October 11, 2021

Yolanda and the Secret of the Black Rose



I made a list of some movies that I wanted to watch and this was the closest one that could relate to being about Halloween. Again this one is on Tubi TV so I just had to watch it and see what it was all about. 

What in the world?

Yolanda is on a quest to finish what her father had once started. This allows for crazy antics and very fast paced action to take place. 

Personal thoughts

Every character in this movie speaks with no emotion and about as fast as they possibly could while still having people be able to understand what they are saying. The humor does have some good moments even if it was unintentional.


I would have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I still have some major questions from the movie that I would like an answer to but we all know that's not gonna happen. The movie was comically bad and I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who was ok with losing some brain cells.

Watch what you love,

Your fellow film watcher 

Halloween Dance



Tis the season to watch spooky kids movies. Tubi TV is a hot pot for great, bad movies and I wanted to watch something that was related to the spooky season. This movie simply caught my eye because it looked creepy enough that it wouldn't give me nightmares. 

What in the world?

After thinking back on the movie, I figured out that the main plot of the movie is a lion, a giraffe, and a bee looking for the best Halloween dessert. They go all over town dancing and asking people questions about food. 

Personal thoughts

First of all, Santa had no right being in that movie for the amount of time that he was. Also, the dances were cute and whatever at the beginning but they did not need to be over half of the movie. The dance consisted of them twirling and moving their hands from side to side. 


I would have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It had a certain charm to it but the bee character was absolutely devilish. The dances also all looked the same which took away some of the charm from the movie. The movie did have some good moments that would make it worth watching though. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher




Amazon Prime has learned that I cannot and do not want to watch what people might think a good movie is. This movie was recommended and I just had to see what it was. The trailer was simply too enticing to pass up.

What in the world?

The main character dies and then comes back with powers. Honestly, I have no clue what the guy's name is so in this post it will be Jim. Jim then has to get his friends together to stop the evil underworld of drugs. 

Personal thoughts

Be prepared for the first 15 minutes being absolutely full of cussing. It calms down throughout with the rest of the film only having 14 cuss words in it. The bad guy was a pleasure and the overall bad guy was just very confusing. Also Jim is the most boring character that they could have possibly made.


I would have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. There was a lot of fighting that began to look the same after about 10 minutes. The powers only came into the movie when it was convenient. I did enjoy Jim's powers near the end but that was about it. Also there was a guy with a blanket hoodie, shout out to him.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Agent Revelation



After looking through a list of movies that are recommended to you, the system will usually just start throwing whatever they can find your way. I found this movie through another movie that was recommended and just decided that I had to watch it.

What in the World? 

This movie is about a man who develops super natural powers from what can only be referred to as "ash". He has to use his new found powers to save the world and to shoot guns at robots. 

Personal thoughts

I personally love watching movies like this. There's always a certain charm that can be seen from films that never really have any real funding behind it. The main guy though barely shows any emotion on his face which allows for really "emotional" scenes to lose their luster. Oh the best part is something that doesn't really have an impact on his powers is his one weakness for his mental state. 


After giving it some thought, I would have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. The plot was very random and had no real meaning throughout the movie until the end. The beginning of the movie was much more intriguing than the end and the characters were people that, in a way, you love to hate. A joy to watch and it was kind of violent so viewer discretion is advised. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher