An executive decision was made to take a small break from Wownow. As a last resort, my next choice of movie would be a classic Hallmark ripoff.
What in the world?
A lawyer tries to get some country singer to sign to his talent company. He goes to the town and then falls in love with a basic, boring girl. Of course, antics ensue.
Personal thoughts
Of course this movie had all the checks of a classic romance movie. The only good character was the child of the singer and he wasn't even in the movie that much. The acting throughout the movie was shockingly bad and I don't know why everything was so country related. Almost the whole movie was set in your run of the mill small, country town.
I would have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. The movie had it's charm to it and the child really brought the score up. I found myself guessing the plot which is a basic to have an essential run of the mill Hallmark movie. The main characters were probably the most boring people I have seen.
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