Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dia of the Dead


I saw the trailer for this movie when I was just looking at trailers one day. I knew that it was something that I just needed to watch and of course it was the behemoth Wownow.

What in the world?

A little boy, (he's 8), goes into the world of the dead so that he can dance for his mom in a singing competition. He is accompanied by his dad who just doesn't care about anything to be honest. 

Personal thoughts

Okay why doesn't anyone in this movie wear a shirt. All the skeletons wear shirts and they're dead. Anyway, Momo (the grim reaper of the moors) deserves better than what happened to him. He didn't get to lead anyone to the River Styx. Also, the dad just punches a skeleton without knowing his motivation. Yes, he was after the dad, but at the same time the dad did not know that and just straight beat him up.


I would have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The singing competition was the stupidest thing that they could have thought of but I really enjoyed all the little skeleton extras. They were wearing the best hat things I have ever seen and they all looked so comfy.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher