Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dave of the Dead



Halloween was recent so of course I had to watch a Halloween movie. Yes this post is in November, I'm a bit late to this party.

What in the world?

A fast food employee has to go save the world from Count Dracula. His master plan is to use pumpkin holograms to throw every planet into a state of chaos perfect for endless Halloween.

Personal thoughts

I can't believe I watched a movie about a fast food employee. The manager of Dave was just so weird. Also Count Dracula didn't pay 8 space dollars and 95 space cents so that makes up the whole motivation of Dave. He must really be the best fast food employee because I'm sure no one would care that much if that much money went missing.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. Although it should have been interesting, the movie just wasn't. It did introduce a lot of new Wownow characters but that wasn't enough to save this film. The characters were boring and Dracula is one of the worst villains ever and not in a good way. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher