I was tired of watching YouTube, so I decided to switch over to good old Tubi and found this movie.
What in the world?
A greedy businessman wants to use a dog as a spokesperson for his company but is devastated to learn that he wants nothing to do with his practices. He then tries to kidnap the dog from the dog's personal assistant and wacky antics ensue. The ending is very cute and had no right to do that to me.
Personal thoughts
The dog was too cute. Everything he did was awesome, and I fully support this movie as one of the greats. When the dog is sitting on a chair at the beginning, it was probably the best thing I've seen in a long time when it comes to Tubi movies. I guess the people actors were good too, but the dog was the best part obviously.
I am going to give this movie a 9 out of 10. It was great and I'm not just being bribed. There was a swordfight in it for crying out loud. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 out of 10 was because of all the stupid romance subplots. I did not want to see that in my movie about a dog being kidnapped. It ended with a set-up for a sequel, but I didn't find anything that related so here we go.
The main antagonist has just broken out of prison and has fled to one of the many castles that he owns. Unaware that the dog no longer owns the mansion, he goes back disguised as a veterinarian in to do a monthly checkup. He is immediately recognized by the main protagonist (human-wise anyway), and they have another swordfight. This time the guy wins because he has the help of pound owner Dave or whatever his name is. They get rid of him and then spend the rest of the movie trying to free all the children that he was exploiting for slavery in Thailand. Again, if you know the director somehow do not tell them about this.