At this point, I don't even know if this needs to be a thing anymore. It was on Tubi, and I needed something to watch. Simple as that.
What in the world?
A girl gets left in town by her father and she insists on meeting an old man in the forest (not creepy because he is magic). She then learns that he is sick and has to climb a mountain so that he can have the flower of life.
Personal thoughts
Too many animals. I never thought that would be a problem I had with a movie but here we are. They had lingering shots on animals because they thought that they looked good or something. Also, the green alien was my favorite part. He just showed up and everybody was having the time of their life while dancing to the most basic electronic music ever. It was amazing and I was not expecting it.
I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. While this movie was predictable, at the same time it wasn't. You could predict what they were going to show next but then you would be astounded to find out that you were wrong half of the time. Nothing these people did mattered in the end because they basically made a wish to an old man, and he granted it to them. The movie also ends abruptly and then starts showing quotes from well-known people about the importance of education. It was bizarre and felt like an eternity but if you need something on in the background then also don't pick this movie because there is rarely any background noise.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher