Friday, April 22, 2022




I needed something to watch and this was recommended to me so that's the logic.

What in the world?

Um some animals team up to stop an evil crow from stealing wind that powers their city.

Personal thoughts

This movie was something else. When the title appeared on the screen, the viewer is greeted with a kite telling them that their help is needed. He then says something and says "Harder" and then a wind thing spins around. I wasn't expecting a Dora movie but it was too late and I didn't want to have to watch this later. There was a point where I thought there was going to be a song, but then there wasn't. The crow sings a line twice and it was super awkward to sit through for some reason. The king of the town had a talking tail for some reason and I don't think that should have been in the movie. It was a trip though and I can't say that I understood half of what was happening.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It had charm and saying otherwise would just be wrong. I don't understand why the chick had to be an orphan, but apparently it was supposed to be something for the plot. I could barely see the correlation between the two. The chick's mom at the end uses her super vision(or normal vision), sees her child, and just says something along the lines of "There they are". That was weird and it's either where the movie ends or close enough to be considered the end. The turtle deserved more screen time and I will argue that until I forget about this movie entirely.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher