Sunday, May 1, 2022

All I Want for Christmas



This movie I found while on a trailer binge.

What in the world?

A business lady wants to know what people think so a magic elf named Calvin gives her an ugly magic pin that lets her hear other people's thoughts.

Personal thoughts

This was a boring movie at times. The forced comedy that I had to watch was unbearable at times. That was unfair because I signed up to hear other people's thoughts not their hopes and dreams. Kidding. Never got to hear dreams but I got to hear their hopes instead. Calvin the elf was a weird guy who just wanted to hit on girls. He was telling a girl to be naughty, but she wasn't a girl but like an adult woman so that makes it less creepy but still kind of creepy. Drew (the guy that owns a matchmaking site but is not the love interest) was my favorite character because he never stopped hating the main character which is a good thing. The main character sucked as a human being, and I stand by the fact that she showed little change. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It had some things in it, but overall, it sucked. Her boss literally calls her on the phone when she is on the same roof as him for a company party. HUH! What kind of person are you that can't just walk up to someone and tell them to present by themselves? Oh, the main character could hear animal thoughts but only in their native tongues. What was the point of that then hm? I did not need to watch her try and talk to her dog when they are not even having some kind of conversation. Hard pass on that. I also didn't need to delve into the mind of a random talk show host to see what he was thinking. Or hear what he was thinking I guess. It was pointless and was not as funny as they were trying to make it seem. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher