Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Joy and Hope



It was on my watchlist. That's the only reason I can think of other than the trailer looking like the acting was a basic level.

What in the world?

A writer obtains writer's block and has to go to a ranch to get rid of it. Love is everywhere except with Stink Fisher otherwise known as the father of the daughters. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was boring. I thought that the main love interest was going to be the writer guy, but it wasn't. Each sister (Joy and Hope) had their own love interest, and it made the movie seem pointless. Both of the sisters are engaged by the end and none of my questions get answered. Like why this movie exists. It doesn't even paint anxiety in a realistic light. That bothered me internally and it made me uncomfortable watching her just get in and out of a car almost casually. 


1.5 out of 10. This movie was bad. Sorry Stink Fisher, but even you couldn't save this movie. There was a four-foot tree which was nice because it looked like a bush, but you know it's a tree. The acting was lame and so was the romance. It was hard to believe that the friend romance was good because he had his arm around her in a boyfriend protecting way and she didn't react in any way. It was very strange.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher