A romance movie revolving the people in a podcast, I mean sign me up. Regrets. Instant regrets. Also it was one of the free samples for the month of June so.
What in the world?
A lady who wants to run podcasts teams up with some outgoingish guy so that she can boost the ratings in time for a promotion. They sign up some famous old lady that they can use to get listens as she tries to find love.
Personal thoughts
This movie was quite nothing. I mean it had certain charm, but once Roman (my favorite old man love interest) got booted, I found myself interested in how much time was left. Barry sucked. He looked like all he wanted to do was sell insurance and he didn't even speak enough for something else to happen other than he wanted to sit at the bar during speed dating. For real, Barry. For real. The main guy was trash and I couldn't figure out what he was. He seemed to change opinions in every scene. Oh the girl did the same though so don't even get me started on that.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I mean it had some moments like the old guy biking who had a wife but I mean it lacked charm that other ones had. I felt emotionally drained after watching this movie and I wish I could explain why. The side characters weren't even that interesting. Oh and the old lady who's supposed to be famous is kind of vague. We just know that she is rich and she has wrote books before. We don't know how she is famous or how famous she really is. Keep that in mind for a little before you forget what you just read.
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