Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Baby Proposal



This movie was the one I saw that looked like it would be the most intriguing. I'll let the description speak for itself.

What in the world?

Two co-hosts find themselves caring for a baby that was given to them by a fan. They find themselves falling in love with not only the baby but each other. 

Personal thoughts

Yeah I loved this movie. I mean of course it was bad it's a free movie to sample but it had great movie stuff. I lost my train of thought in that sentence so excuse that. I mean seeing a baby just get dropped off in a dressing room and left there was actually pretty sweet. Nothing about it seemed normal and I appreciated that. That is why UP Faith and Family has more interesting movies than Hallmark. Oh they didn't have that much chemistry either.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I hated the time skip ending that happened at the end it just didn't really seem like a good way to end it. The baby did find a home with the co-host's brother so don't panic about that. Brad and Kyle were two of my favorite characters. Brad had the energy level of a snail and Kyle was the best chef that I had ever seen though. He just stood there and was a great on-screen presence. Oh the mom of the movie was pretty great as well. Just everyone but the main character's really. That's just how it is in these movies though. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher