Found this movie a while ago and figured that I had to watch it at some point. Fighting over the same girl. Yeah sure whatever, but two brothers fighting over the same girl. Now that's an intriguing movie. (SPOILER not really).
What in the world?
Two brothers fight over the same girl while on their family holiday retreat.
Personal thoughts
This movie was okay but the romance between either of the two love interests was absolute trash. I mean they seemed like they had some sort of idea in their mind but they didn't know how to make it into a likeable movie. The characters of interest were kind of boring and the only ones that were cool were side characters. I'm sorry Harry but why were you even in the movie. I mean the ski shop thing was fine but then reuniting with your love from the past was weird dude. It was completely unnecessary, but I do love Harry I just can't comprehend what his role was. The main character was also way too deep in her head. She didn't have to choose a brother but in the end she actually does. Weird.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The grandma was weird. I couldn't tolerate her at first but then at one point she left on horseback and my opinions changed completely. Like ok respect. Still can't believe that the main lady chose to stay with a brother. I would have been out of there before any of them could try to convince me otherwise. Although maybe I would have stayed for the drama. Probably not though let's be real here.
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