I just needed something to watch, and this seemed like a good movie to watch to kill some time. SPOILER: It was not a good movie to kill time.
What in the world?
An Olympic medalist has an accident and has to teach some boys how to swim good.
Personal thoughts
I did not like this movie. It was so boring. The main character was not easy to understand throughout the whole thing and none of the characters were very interesting. I would have liked to see less swimming in the thing, but I guess it is a movie about swimming. The cuts in this movie were so weird and I can't understand what they were trying to do or convey by adding those in. Oh and the meditation guy. Not necessary at all.
I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. There aren't many redeeming factors in this movie. Everything was twice as long as it needed to be and that goes for the movie length as well. The only fun I had watching this movie was near the end when I was losing my mind. The Cooper shirts in the movie were pretty great though so I appreciated that at the very least.
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