New month, new movies to sample. This was one that wasn't that interesting so of course that means I had to watch it first.
What in the world?
Debbie Gibson is Debbie Taylor. She is trying to get married and appease her manager at the same time. It's a hard life for famous singer.
Personal thoughts
Okay I have to admit that this movie was okay. It definitely wasn't the best thing I had ever seen but it had its moments. If all the main dudes in this movie didn't look the exact same, then it might have been a bit better. Every time one of them was on screen I had to do a double take and pay attention so that I could identify which one it was supposed to be. The audio had a couple of great moments in it that I cannot accurately type out.
I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was pretty okay but Debbie just wasn't good. Sorry Debbie. The conflict of the movie was solved almost immediately so I couldn't really tell what the big deal was about even though it looked like the guy was cheating. But I mean it could have had a bit more screen time than a minute just about. Greeaat they got married and I didn't really understand their chemistry what a great movie. Also not to brag or anything but I correctly guessed their wedding cake flavor. Red velvet.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher