Friday, July 8, 2022

A Christmas Duet



This was one of the free samples for the month and it comes along with Hallmark's Christmas in July fest.

What in the world?

An innkeeper former singer is met with her duet partner, and she has to prepare a festival and battle love at the same time. 

Personal thoughts

I was kind of distracted from this throughout, but I know what I'm talking about. The guy has no character development. I mean sure maybe (SPOILER) he doesn't want to sing alone anymore, but that doesn't mean anything. Does he even like Christmas anymore? If they have a rough patch, is he going to give up on the holiday entirely? Answers no one will ever know. The inn lady review person is so weird. She is always around when anyone mentions anything about a potential problem but then says that she does this for fun or is having fun. Girl stop looking for problems all the time like you want them to fail. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. Yes, the music was trash even though it was the sole focus of the film. The only good character, Arnold, was very confusing. He knew everything that was happening in the town, but his position was never established. Mayor, politician, mafia member, spy??? Doesn't matter he was also a singer. He also is a miracle worker seeing as how he had a cold one day and immediately was better the next. I need that immune system. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher