Monday, July 4, 2022

Seal Team



This movie trailer for this started playing after a show or something and it looked so bad and interesting that my sister felt like we had to watch it.

What in the world?

Seals team up to try and stop the annihilation of their species happen thanks to sharks. Sharks obviously don't like that so that's where we get conflict.

Personal thoughts

This movie was ugh kind of decent. I don't watch movies that are decent a lot so this one was kind of surprising. I don't know how well it ranked on anything, but I would recommend it to someone that has younger people around. I mean the sharks coming together were cool but there was this fish. I don't know what kind of fish it was but it was awesome. It was like a telephone fish that glows red sometimes depending on I don't know internal responsibilities (don't ask). This movie had a surprising amount of deaths. You'd think that it would have like a ton because food chain but actually it only had two. A seal being eaten by a shark and SPOILER: that said shark dying a horrid death of being chopped up by a ship fan.


I have to give this movie a large number of 7 out of 10. A part of me wanted to hate this movie because it had some decent jokes. I never really know how to feel watching a decent movie. I mean obviously some of it was for kids but other than that it was good. Justice for Dave is something I strongly support. He got so much hate for being himself shame. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher