Saturday, August 6, 2022

Fixies: Top Secret



Tubi never fails to disappoint. I saw Mystery Man in the trailer/beginning and I knew that I had to watch it.

What in the world?

I um can't begin to describe the plot of this movie. It had everything. Electricity, conspiracy, and falling objects. That's all you really need to know. OH and Tom Thomas. Never forget that name.

Personal thoughts

This movie was weird. I mean the songs were weird but the movie was worse than the songs. Tom Thomas was also barely in the movie but you could tell when he was on screen. Him and his crush were probably the worst part. Oh my gosh I almost forgot about Grandpus. He was a fixie thing and he rode around on a podium. He was honestly the best character. He didn't really do much though even when he tried. He did teach them like one time and that seemed to be good enough for all of them so woohoo.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It wasn't good by any means but I do have to say that it made me laugh sometimes and that's good enough for me. Not much else to say there really except there was this weird part with kids almost getting married as a distraction but we don't really talk about that.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher