I wanted to watch something animated while I ate lunch and this one appeared, or I searched for it or something. I can't remember.
What in the world?
Some Englishmen are looking for an English guy's lost brother so that he does not have to be pronounced dead.
Personal thoughts
I kind of enjoyed this movie. I know, I know that's weird, but it had some charm to it. I laughed when the character was narrating something and then it just cut to him saying that same thing. That tickled me and I don't know exactly why. The weird side plot with the Kaukauna tribe was very weird and didn't make sense with the movie. Come to think of it that's when the guy stopped narrating too. Hmmm.
I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It had its moments which I enjoyed but the plot was so hard to keep track of that I just kind of gave up keeping track and just enjoyed it for what it was. It kind of reminded me of the Sherlock Plumtum kind of thing which means that it's some of the best content out there.
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