Tuesday, August 23, 2022




It was recommended to me by Tubi themselves. 

What in the world?

The military is trying to stop their own creation while some college kids are there. They are supposed to be on a deserted island by the way.

Personal thoughts

This movie was boring. The beginning started off strong and then nothing happened until the end of the movie. I think it took about until after the 40-minute mark for anything else to happen. I didn't like any of the main characters so if they happened to die, I wasn't that sad about it.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. Like I said, nothing happened in this movie, and it shows. I mean the general was a kind of crazy dude, but he didn't really do anything other than get people killed, try to get people killed, and he would sit in a chair for no reason. Oh, if you're curious about how many people were left at the end it was 4.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher