I just wanted something to put on and this seemed like it would be entertaining and would be something to do. Little did I know how right I actually was.
What in the world?
Sherlock Holmes is a dog and he solves a crime. I don't know if there was a book with this in it, but I can say that there is a movie with the great escape. I did some research and I still don't have answers.
Personal thoughts
This movie was not exactly what I thought it would be. It got a lot darker than I thought it would which was pretty nice. I mean not in that way it's just refreshing to see violence in animation styles. I mean that's still weird but it's not really what I mean. Anyway, I was thoroughly invested throughout the whole movie and I am sad to say that there is not a sequel. I mean Sherlock Holmes as a dog who knows martial arts. Sign me up.
I have to give this movie a 9 out of 10. It wasn't perfect but boy was it close. I mean the heart and the plot were just amazing. The after credits scene kind of threw me for a loop but it was great. I'm just disappointed that it doesn't have a sequel. I would definitely recommend watching it.
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Your fellow film watcher