My sister really wanted to watch this movie and I can see why. Also this guy is unimportant but it was the only image I could get to work.
What in the world?
A priest somehow cuts himself on a dino thing and becomes a Velociraptor when he is angry. Think the Hulk but less green.
Personal thoughts
This movie was something else. I can't even begin to describe it without enough detail. There's so many spoilers that I could say but I shall not. Just know that everything is crazy. I mean there is a very unwatchable scene in the movie so watch out for that if you decide to watch it.
I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It was okay but I mean it was ok. There were some things that made it stand out but it's also like a lot of other movies. The heart was there I could tell it just wasn't there enough. I mean too much heart was there at one point. I can't. It never should have happened I'm going to say it. It was very unnecessary and I did not want to have to see any of that. I miss all the people that died in that movie. They were pretty cool and didn't deserve to die even if the one guy threw a baby in a river. You'd need context to understand that.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher