Monday, October 24, 2022




This movie has three friends and we had a friend staying over and we're three friends so it fit the theme.

What in the world? 

Three friends want to celebrate a birthday at a retreat but they have been booked for the wrong one. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was pretty good. I mean if they got rid of the romance in the movie it would have actually been a really good movie. There were a lot of little plots that they liked to add which was nice but the coolest one wasn't even resolved. One of them wanted to adopt a kid and be a single parent and all that cool stuff but she was only connected to a social worker before the end of the movie. No resolution. Also the love interest for the one girl was really confusing and they didn't really have any chemistry but I guess that's ok.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. The retreat seemed like it would be interesting to go to. Oh the one girl was fighting for a promotion but she kind of didn't do a presentation that made any sense. She wanted to be a finance director but she made a presentation for a new project. I don't know what she thought was going to happen with it but yeah she didn't get the promotion. The maker of the retreat had the best advice. She kept saying, "You are where you're supposed to be." That's my favorite line of a movie right now so yeah.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher