Saturday, January 7, 2023

Amazon Jack



Sometimes you're in the mood for a movie. I just wanted to watch a movie and I kept seeing this in my recommended from Amazon so I thought I would go ahead and watch it. 

What in the world?

A rare species of animal (never specified) is being tracked around the world (aka two places) so that people can use them for their own gain. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was wild. I mean the rare species is kind of ugly and the way that it talked was just down right atrocious. It was so annoying that I wanted to kind of let it get captured in the movie. Oh, this movie has songs and they are just so bad. The second to last song in the movie made me laugh really hard though so I guess that's a win for them. Also, the panther in this movie is a very confusing character with zero development which is kind of fun. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I kept getting distracted during this movie because it would just stall. I mean there is no reason to spend so much time in a cage with a high mosquito when it adds next to nothing to the plot. I mean it's cool that there's a high mosquito but you don't need to use him to further the plot in the slowest way possible. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher