Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jolly Good Christmas



It's just one of the few Hallmark movies that I watched during this Christmas season. It was recorded which meant that my family had to watch it. 

What in the world?

A very "busy" architect hires a personal shopper to buy a gift for his girlfriend even though they had decided not to make a big deal out of Christmas.

Personal thoughts

This movie was pretty bad. I mean the whole thing about him being busy was really just talked about and never shown. The only time that he needs to be busy is when he falls in a lake and doesn't make it to his meeting that is super important. SPOILER! He didn't even end up getting his girlfriend a better gift. He just kind of didn't give her gift and they called that that. The whole movie was a mess and the lady was supposed to be British but she sounded American and the guy was supposed to be American but sounded British. I think casting could have done a better job in that department. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I didn't really like any of the characters in the movie but it had its moments. He did give a gift card to orphans (maybe) so that's pretty cool. I think all the moments that led up to them getting together were really dumb and they should have done a better job telling us how their romance progressed because it moved really quick and it was very confusing.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher