Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Nature of Romance



I was running out of things to do so I decided to watch this movie. 

What in the world? 

A travel blog writer goes glamping (glamorous camping) with her friend and then gets stranded. She then goes on to help and fall in love with a park ranger. Oh fun fact! This movie has two equally bad names. Parked for Love and The Nature of Romance. Honestly I prefer the latter. 

Personal thoughts

I was enjoying the movie at first but then the end was just way too much. I mean the guy goes over to her house to win her back twice. Movie that's a bit excessive don't you think. The last time he had a dog so that's completely understandable. I just didn't find myself rooting for these people. So for this next part a little context. The writer wrote about a grant for the park and the guy didn't know she did that and that's where a misunderstanding spawns. He finds it and goes to her house to talk about it. They talk and he rips it up because that doesn't matter she does. She doesn't agree or something and he just hands her ripped up writing to her and says, "Can you take it? I don't want to litter." That is my favorite line from this movie.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I didn't like any of the characters except for every other ranger at the park. That's only two people by the way. The two main characters were way too invested in themselves to even be enjoyable as their relationship supposedly "blossomed". Oh I almost forgot about the strangest character. His name is RV repair guy (I don't actually know his name). He shows up and instantly becomes the least likeable character for 5 minutes. I don't know why they wrote him like that but it was upsetting because he should have been a chill guy but instead he was just annoying and a plot device.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, February 17, 2023

The True Story of Puss 'N Boots



I saw this movie while scrolling through Tubi and decided that it was a must watch.

What in the world?

Puss 'N Boots is helping his owner to woo a princess so that he can be with her forever because he loves to listen to her sing. That's about it really.

Personal thoughts

I thought the movie was really bad but I loved it. I mean it sucked and William Shatner's voice choice for Puss was very funny. Oh yeah William Shatner a very famous actor is in this movie. My favorite character, the ogre, did not get the justice that he deserved. All he wanted to do was be a swan and they denied him that one privilege. #JusticeforOgre. But the songs in this movie were very strange to say the least. I mean they were really bad. Puss singing was very bad and I hated it so much.  It was an abomination. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I hated everything about Puss and the Chamberlain were my least favorite characters. Oh I forgot to mention that the king was asleep for the whole movie. If I recall correctly, the poor king had no speaking lines. Also the jester of the movie was really confusing and his motivations were very unknown and confusing. He helped the miller's son to win the favor of the princess even though he knew that he was lying. I don't know what his game was but everything worked out in the end anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Santa Jaws



I know it's February, but my friends and I finally found time to watch this masterpiece.

What in the world?

A boy draws his comic book shark and it goes around and terrorizes just the boy's family. Well except for elf guy I guess. I almost forgot about the elf guy.

Personal thoughts

This movie was really strange. I mean the main characters were messed up and you kind of just wanted them to die. It would have been funny if the main character had died but he didn't and just experienced a lot of trauma instead. I mean there were only a couple of redeemable characters like elf guy. Elf guy did nothing wrong and was just a sad casualty that should have never happened. Everyone else was an ok death.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. I mean the plot was okay and I would have ranked it higher but the ending of the movie was just really bad and stupid. If the movie would have SPOILER ended with Santa Jaws dying then that would have been fine. Shockingly, that's not where the movie ended which made it worse. Also justice for elf guy. He was the best character and actor I believe. He tried his hardest and was brought into the movie for absolutely no reason. He wasn't a main character and was just randomly there. Justice for elf guy.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher