Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Furry Little Christmas



Christmas in July should be as good a reason as any. This movie was also found on Tubi making it a two for one kind of thing.

What in the world?

A veterinarian from Vermont that lives in New York to go home to spend Christmas with her dad. When buying her Frosted Flakes, she meets a handsome young doctor who doesn't even buy the Frosted Flakes. They fall in love before the holidays.

Personal thoughts

This movie was even more enjoyable than the other ones we have watched this July. I mean it was still painful because they were doing weird things. The woman's kid was kind of annoying, but I shall give him the kid pass. I'm still upset about the unresolved Frosted Flakes conflict. I mean that's the whole reason they had an interaction and he didn't even buy them. They legitimately showed him putting them back on the shelf and walking away. It was very infuriating. For a movie that revolved around furry creatures, there was a serious lack of animals in this movie. Sure she made some house calls to people but they never actually showed the animals. I mean they did show a goat bleeding but that was about it.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was actually interesting to watch in a hypnotic kind of way. We were losing our minds the entire time and by the end we were actually insane. My grandma and I both thought a cup was a little race car. Anyway, the movie didn't have enough furry creatures to make it an actually good rating. Banjo was the only good thing and he was barely in it. Banjo is a dog and he deserved to be in it more. He also ate some dough and got sick but that's besides the point. He was the best part of that movie for sure.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, July 24, 2023

A Christmas Recipe for Romance



It's still Christmas in July so that means more romance movies. It's also a good time to pull out Hallmark Bingo. 

What in the world?

A quiet inn is really in debt and the owner needs to compete in a competition to earn enough money to stay afloat. She takes advantage of one of her guests and makes them teach her how to cook. They eventually fall in love.

Personal thoughts

This movie was really painful. I mean there weren't many Christmas activities taking place and the main people were painful to watch. I mean the lady was manipulative as all get out and the guy was just so depressing. He had no emotion to anything and he had a really bad accent. The old people in this movie were very odd. They called everybody dear. That would freak me out and a lot of other people as well. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It felt painfully long and like I wanted to rip my eyes out. That's a bit harsh but it went a little like that. Oh there wasn't even a conflict between the two main characters. I mean there was a conflict, but that wasn't even resolved very well. They just let it be water under the bridge. Some guy threatened and sabotaged a man's career and got away with it. I mean that's not even fair but everyone seemed ok with it. This movie was just painful.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, July 21, 2023

Santa's Got Style



It's officially Christmas in July! So in honor of the made up holiday month, we decided to watch a Christmas romance movie. Go to Tubi and bam that's how things work.

What in the world?

A guy is in love with his childhood best friend and tries to get her attention. He lies to her face for whatever reason and agrees to be a sexy Santa and his cousin at the same time. Very interesting.

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting to watch. The sexy Santa thing was very weird and made my family very uncomfortable. The two main people were very annoying and made the movie almost insufferable. One redeeming factor of this movie was the security guard. He was really weird. I hated his lines of dialogue, but he did add a little bit of charm to the movie. Other than that, it didn't have much of note that I can remember.


I have to give this a 2 out of 10. I found myself constantly wondering when the movie was going to be over. I mean it was okay, but I didn't quite get why he had to lie to her about it. I mean he had so many opportunities to tell her. I just didn't understand why he couldn't tell her the truth. I don't think he would have gotten in trouble. Oh, and people would just help him lie. His own mom went along with it and it was just awful to watch. Now everyone just don't lie and everything should be fine. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Invisible: The Chronicles of Benjamin Knight



Tubi has so much to offer and this just happened to be in a section all on its own. Part of Full Moon features if anyone cares.

What in the world?

This is apparently a sequel, but pay no attention to that. Scientists are doing things with a mandroid and one of the scientists is invisible. That's about all I understood of the movie.

Personal thoughts

This movie was a trip. I didn't understand what was happening until the end of the movie even though the ending also gave me a lot more questions than answers. Mandroid was probably the best part other than the stunts of the invisible man. Oh how could I almost forget about the murder hobos of the sanatorium. They were henchmen for the guy with the barely scarred face wearing an iron mask. He didn't need the iron mask but for some reason he chose to wear it. Probably so he could have a dramatic reveal later which didn't make sense because apparently he was in the first movie. Most of the characters were unlikeable by the end of the movie so that was a shame.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I mean it had its moments. The fact that you couldn't understand what was going on probably made the movie that much more enjoyable. If I had understood what was going on then I probably would have enjoyed it less. There was a weird evil doctor, a weird evil policeman, a weird evil mask guy, and murder hobos. Understanding all of these different motivations would have made me lose my mind so this was a welcome change. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Christams Twister



This was a very spur of the moment watch. My mom had watched this and had recommended it. I had completely forgot about it but today was the day. 

What in the world?

Global warming has caused a lot of temperatures to rise and that means that December is now part of tornado season. So on December 23rd, all tornado havoc breaks lose. Oh and the title may seem like it is spelled incorrectly, but that's what the title card said so it's the valid name of the movie.

Personal thoughts

The nerve of this movie. It wasn't bad bad but it was bad. I mean it was a trip. The main characters were really lame. I mean they just acted as heroes, but they were also jerks. I mean they were in the right most of the time but that doesn't excuse their behavior. The side characters in this movie were also really bad. I mean they didn't do much except applaud the main people when they did anything right. Not an exciting part of the movie at all.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The movie was pretty boring when people were just really stupid and didn't know how to act when there were tornadoes around. There was an annoying part of the movie where they just showed the family dog running through wreckage so that it could get to its family. That was weird, but the dog did get to its family. The parents of the children also made out a lot and it was really disgusting.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

The Incredible Hulk Returns



Since watching The Trial of the Incredible Hulk, my mom and I had to look up if there were any more movies that we could watch. We found out that there are three movies in total but one of them is actually unwatchable. That is a true shame.

What in the world?

Hulk has finally found a place to continue his research. Oh wait no he hasn't. Some kid tracked him down claiming that he has a hammer that summons Thor. No he is not Thor. They are two completely separate entities. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was a roller coaster. I mean to summon Thor he had to yell ODIIIIINN! It was really dumb. Also Bill Bixby aka David Bannon aka David Bruce Banner was in love with some lady and it was really lame. Those were the worst parts of the movie. The bad guy of the movie was really confusing and I couldn't really tell what was happening with that part. Oh Thor went to a biker bar. That was one of the strangest scenes in the whole movie. I still can't believe that Donald Blake and Thor were two separate entities. In the comics it's the same guy, but the movie threw a curveball at us which was really nice and confusing.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It wasn't better than the other movie, but the team-up was a lot better. I mean Daredevil came out of nowhere but Thor made a lot more sense. I mean it was really boring when Thor wasn't on screen but that's ok. The ending of this one did show David Bannon homeless, but it did show a dog at the end so that it was watching one of its favorite people abandon it. That was the cruelest part of the whole movie.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, July 10, 2023

Belle and the Beast: A Christian Romance



This movie had been on my watchlist for a while and we needed something to watch that wasn't a Christmas movie so we decided to watch this. I would have preferred a Christmas movie, but this is the next best option I suppose.

What in the world?

It is like Beauty and the Beast except for the fact that it's Christianized and modernized. There's not much else to say about the plot of this movie.

Personal thoughts

This movie was painful. The first 30 minutes felt like an hour and we were sorely disappointed to find out that we were only a third through the movie. There were a couple of good moments in this movie. My favorite part was when the lady was complaining about only doing dry cleaning and that he would have to let her do something else eventually. He responded to that by just saying, "I'll buy more." That would have been awesome if he just kept buying shirts and never letting her do anything. Oh Gaston was awful in this movie. His name was Craig and he was an absolute jerk. He was creepy and yeah just creepy. 


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. The dry cleaning line really brought the whole movie together. The cinematography was trash and the seasons kept changing wildly. I mean the seasons changing wildly was pretty awesome but it was also very confusing which made the movie worse. Oh and I think they were trying to get their money's worth out of the mansion they rented or own because almost every scene was in a different part of the house. That also made the flow confusing so in the end it didn't really matter. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher