My goal was to find the worst Christmas movie on Tubi. I ended up stumbling on this gem(?).
What in the world?
First off let us define a Karen. A Karen is a woman that is usually white and acts entitled and that they are very right in their ways. Alright so on to the plot. It's like a Christmas Carol but with the ghosts trying to change a Karen instead of an old miser. Karen is the old miser.
Personal thoughts
This movie was not my style if I am being honest. Most of the jokes were crude and went off how Karen is racist and discriminatory against those that do not fall into her views. They might have been funny for other people but my sister and I did not laugh at many jokes. The ghost of Christmas future was probably my favorite. He had the best line of the movie which was, "All I have is the void". That's a pretty great line because you can use that in any context.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10 just for the ghost of Christmas Future really. I mean the ghost of Christmas Past was good too. He was pretty valid in his views and if I remember correctly, he just kind of gave up on her. He was also with her the longest which checks out. I would have given up on her too. I don't even remember the ghost of Christmas Present. The rest of the movie was ok. The tiny Tim of the movie didn't really show up and the weight of it was pretty heavy. I mean that makes sense but it just didn't seem like it had the same weight as in other renditions.
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Your fellow film watcher