It's that time of year where watching Hallmark Christmas movies is semi-acceptable. That also means that Hallmark bingo can happen and this is the movie that kicked off bingo this year. Well official Christmas bingo that is.
What in the world?
A married couple are having trouble in paradise both personal and occupational. They have to rediscover their passions and why they loved each other in the first place I suppose.
Personal thoughts
This movie was already a disappointment when it started off. I mean the two main people are already together in a sense. There was no drama of them trying to get together and having meaningless spats. All their arguments came from valid places and they always were hiding things from each other. I mean tell your wife or husband that you put in a bid on some land. Oh or tell your wife or husband that you were offered a TV show spot on some weird lady's channel. How did that lady get her own channel. I mean she's got to be super rich or something because she wasn't the most interesting person in the entire movie.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. There were some ok characters in the film, but none of them were actually any good. The guy's mother was super annoying because she just fangirled over the TV channel lady. She deserved to have something bad happen to her.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher