This movie was recommended to me by my mom and I just had to watch it. She said it had to do with psychology and I was very intrigued.
What in the world?
A woman falls in love with a younger man. They soon get married and that's when their lives unravel.
Personal thoughts
I didn't think I was going to get invested in this movie but I was wrong. I am glad I was wrong though. This movie held my attention in a way that no movie has in a decent amount of time. The twists and turns that happened were crazy but not in an insane "Why did they do that?" way. For the time it came out, the movie did a great job of dealing with mental health issues. I almost cried a couple of times which is very rare for a movie. I found it strange that they could just drive to Mexico. That may be just the world I live in, but I was like wow that's crazy.
I have to give this movie a 9.7 out of 10.I didn't really laugh during this movie which is another reason this movie doesn't get a 10. I would definitely recommend this movie to any romantics or anyone that is interested in psychology. WARNING! There was electro-shock therapy which isn't used very much anymore. It isn't considered right, so if institutions use it then know that they are corrupt.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher