Thursday, March 28, 2024

Autumn Leaves



This movie was recommended to me by my mom and I just had to watch it. She said it had to do with psychology and I was very intrigued.

What in the world?

A woman falls in love with a younger man. They soon get married and that's when their lives unravel.

Personal thoughts

I didn't think I was going to get invested in this movie but I was wrong. I am glad I was wrong though. This movie held my attention in a way that no movie has in a decent amount of time. The twists and turns that happened were crazy but not in an insane "Why did they do that?" way. For the time it came out, the movie did a great job of dealing with mental health issues. I almost cried a couple of times which is very rare for a movie. I found it strange that they could just drive to Mexico. That may be just the world I live in, but I was like wow that's crazy. 


I have to give this movie a 9.7 out of 10.I didn't really laugh during this movie which is another reason this movie doesn't get a 10. I would definitely recommend this movie to any romantics or anyone that is interested in psychology. WARNING! There was electro-shock therapy which isn't used very much anymore. It isn't considered right, so if institutions use it then know that they are corrupt.

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Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

He Who Findeth



I needed something to watch for noise and I found this movie by sheer accident.

What in the world?

It says it's like a Cinderella story but do not believe its lies. A party planner falls in love with an heir to some company. It's pretty mutual.

Personal thoughts

This movie was crazy. I mean the beginning was very boring. Pretty typical rom-com stuff was happening. There was this one part where she talked in her head, but it was presented in the same way as her talking so it was really funny. The ending was pretty wild since it just had every storyline come to an end. I didn't realize how many subplots were in this movie until they were all being wrapped up. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I mean the whole thing was okay, but the only thing that stood out about it was the end. I thought it was nice he proposed with the ring that they found on their "date", but that wasn't enough to save the movie. I mean the angel was pretty crazy. He was a great character and his last appearance in the movie was pretty funny. He was a little tiny guy and he was just in the corner for no reason. It was the best thing I've seen in a little while.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher




This movie was recommended by my mom which meant I had to watch it.

What in the world?

A woman goes into shock after witnessing a man murder his wife. The murderer turns out to be the person they assign to care for her while she recovers.

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie was pretty interesting. The dream sequence at the beginning really didn't make too much sense to me so we'll brush past that. The antics at the mental hospital were very interesting. I mean the psychiatrist and his mistress were pretty psychotic. Well the mistress was insane. She wanted him to kill more people. I mean the psychiatrist killed his wife on accident and his mistress was all in to try and kill more people. She wanted more bodies for some reason. She had weird womanly wiles that only worked on him. She died though so everything was fine. I mean the ending was happy.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was really interesting to see how the psychiatrist would interact with the woman he was trying to get declared insane. It was also interesting to see everyone just trust him. I mean they brought in another doctor for a second opinion and he said he was doing all he could. He did question one thing, but other than that they had called it all good. The husband also was not really listening to his wife. I think that he should have listened to her more, but he just thought that she was insane the whole time. Or almost the whole time. I'll have to give him some credit since he believed her near the end.

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Your fellow film watcher

The Fabric of Christmas



It was just that time when you want to watch a Hallmark-esque Christmas movie. This movie just showed up in my recommended as well so it seemed like a good watch.

What in the world?

A firefighter enlists the help of a seamstress to help teach him how to quilt.

Personal thoughts

The lady in this movie was crazy. I mean she freaked out over him leaving on a trip. She basically considered it the end of the world. The main guy was okay. We figured out that he was too scrawny to be a firefighter. He had absolutely no muscles and we thought that was strange. He was also a freak with safety. Anything that even could be remotely considered a hazard was something he could spot across a room. It would make him shut down because I don't know. It was crazy.


 I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I didn't really like any of the main characters and the side characters were equally as annoying. I mean everybody would blow things out of proportion and nobody would take anything seriously. The prices in the movie were overexaggerated too so that didn't make anything better.

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Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Death on the Nile



I love a good Agatha Christie movie and this one has been on my radar for a while. 

What in the world?

Hercule Poirot finds himself in the midst of a case with a murdered heiress, her maid, and Angela Lansbury.

Personal thoughts

This movie was kind of a drag. I think just because the book had so much intrigue and clues that the movie was just trying to keep everything of import. This movie is 2 and a half hours long and it took until an hour in for the murder. I suppose the information was important, but I don't think I needed to see a couple of the things that happened. It would have made sense if they had taken some things out. I think it was just too slow for my brain. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was slow, but I did enjoy the performances in this movie. I think the actor for Poirot was really interesting and it was his first movie. I mean that makes sense I think. I have no idea. I also have no idea of the Agatha Chrisite book order, so that just adds an extra layer of uncertainty to the whole Poirot origin story. I was just really surprised to see Angela Lansbury show up because she's one of the only older actresses that I can recognize.

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The Tingler



I had been on a Vincent Price marathon and this movie just happened to start playing and I am glad I didn't turn it off.

What in the world?

A pathologist discovers that the tingling sensation of fear is actually a living thing and finds himself struggling with a specimen.

Personal thoughts

This movie was very interesting. The movie begins with the director telling us it's ok to scream. That was terrifying to me. I mean what horrors were going to lie in store after that proclamation. I think he was just trying to build up suspense because while the movie had its moments, overall it wasn't scream inducing. Besides, I wouldn't have screamed if I wanted to. I have neighbors that I don't want to upset. The tingler itself was an interesting choice for a villain. I mean the whole thing was weird. I liked how the tingler moved, but it also scared me because it is a creepy crawly. Creepy crawlys induce the willies for sure. The people in this movie were very interesting. I didn't quite understand the dynamic of the people in this house.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. The tingler kind of carried this movie honestly. I mean it just went around and tried to murder people and that's all it did. One thing I did find interesting was the murder that led to the Tingler. I thought that Vincent Price (pathologist) did it, but it was actually SPOILER the husband. That confused me because I couldn't quite get his motive. I mean he might have said it and I missed it, but it didn't seem all cut and dry to me. It honestly seemed like he loved his wife, but he actively used the Tingler to murder her. It was very strange.

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