Sunday, January 30, 2022

Inspector Gadget's Last Case



It was a looong day. I needed something to watch and fell back to the safety net of Tubi. Found whatever this is.

What in the world?

Inspector Gadget has to deal with fun things like the retirement of a friend and guilt. Also, there's a bad guy with a growth formula running around.

Personal thoughts

Maybe I was just delusional, but I didn't think that the movie was that bad. Don't get me wrong it was still horribly stupid, but it had a bit of charm added to it. I liked when one of the characters just called Inspector Gadget a dummy and wasn't gonna take it back. That was my favorite part of the movie.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It was okay if you were a small child and there were some moments for all the grown-ups out there. The bad guy still confuses me. Was it truly Claw as a blonde sales guy hero or was it Claw's cat? I know they come to the conclusion that it is Claw but I don't believe it. 


I believe that Devon Debonair (anti-hero guy) was actually Claw's cat that drank from the formula. I know it shows the claw thing that Claw wears when it is going off, but I don't believe it. I think Claw disassociates with his cat when he turns into Devon Debonair. HOWEVER, the movie puts a stray cat hair on him and that's how they figure out that he is Claw. NO WAY! I don't believe that's real. I think Claw doesn't like to get his hands dirty, so he sent his cat out to deal with Gadget's pride. Just because you put cat hair on someone doesn't mean that they have a cat. Also, it has to be the cat because I want it to be. Claw is a standard bad guy with a cat who has others to do his bidding for him. This is why the cat would be the perfect instrument to destroy Gadget and the perfect "person" to be behind the entity that is Devon Debonair. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Frozen in Love



Just another free Hallmark movie for a time. Prepare yourself to read about this one. 

What in the world?

A struggling bookstore owner teams up with an aggressive hockey player to gain funds for her business. They obviously find love in 4 weeks while simultaneously hating each other. Fun stuff. 

Personal thoughts

I'm just gonna say it. Main girl was an absolute buzzkill. She would take the fun out of everything because all she's ever done is read a book about it. For example, the kids were playing hockey (because you know why not) and she just goes, "Good sportsmanship." Who even says that? The main character guy was fine, I guess. His characteristics were not nearly as developed as the main girl's. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was very boring but there was a kid whose name was Noah that really carried the film. The romance was just kind of weird and I don't really understand how it developed so fast. The movie also ends really abruptly. They kiss and then the credits play. I guess they want to leave it up for interpretation but that can lead to things like this.

Ending Interpretation

After the kiss at the end, the two main characters look at each other and turn away blushing. The crowd watching the speech begins to separate since the book talk they came to watch seems to no longer be happening. Noah runs up from the crowd and hugs the main guy. They walk away together as Noah's mom can be seen in the background screaming at the hockey player to give her son back to her. After the festival is over, the money from the event is counted and they did not collect enough. The main girl blames the guy for this and that is where the real conflict is. He is not used to this kind of reaction, so he runs back to the hockey business forgetting all about bookstore lady. Bookstore lady goes on to become a librarian and continues to dream for her forever prince. 

Watch what you love, 
Your fellow film watcher

A Winter Princess



So, Amazon had a couple Hallmark movies for free and you know I'm a sucker for those kinds of things, so I had to watch it. Also, their portrayal of royal people is also exciting. 

What in the world?

Imagine two really bland people having top notch jobs. Ok, now imagine that as a movie where one of them is secretly a princess. I'll let you take a guess on which one is the princess. 

Personal thoughts

I remember very little about this movie. There was some skiing. My prince guy from Denmark was pretty chill for being the main love antagonist of the movie. A love antagonist is the other vying for the affection of the main character. In case you needed a little explanation of a label that I just randomly threw out there. I remember the other characters being better than the main ones. That's about it.


I would have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I know it's harsh to give this movie a score for not remembering any of it, but it deserves a score, nonetheless. I hated the main guy. He didn't have any exciting characteristics. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Friday, January 14, 2022

Shark Bait



It was on my watchlist. Simplest answer I can give.

What in the world?

A fish from the city of Boston goes to meet up with his aunt after his parents become sushi. He falls in love and tries to save her from being married to a shark. He also learns ocean spinjitzu from an old, wizard turtle. 

Personal thoughts

The audience for this movie has to be brain dead kids. The jokes ranged from dumb children to adult. The shark looked horrendous and so did all of the characters to be honest. The movie had a bunch of famous actors so it's hard to determine what the movie was trying to be. If I ended up watching it, that can't mean it was supposed to be mainstream at least in my opinion (hello, see what section you're reading).


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It was alright for what it was supposed to be. The old man turtle was the best part of the movie although I don't think he was supposed to be. He was a crazy hermit, and I would fight for him if he was a real person. The main fish was just annoying and any part of the movie in him was not a good part of the movie. Oops that's all of it.

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Fireman Sam: Ultimate Heroes



I had recently watched a Fireman Sam movie (no review because I might accidentally review the show). These movies are made for small children and it is blatantly obvious. That doesn't stop me from finding them and watching them. 

What in the world?

A hurricane is approaching the small town of Pontypandy and the citizens are causing incidents everywhere. With two new members of the team, the fire department does their best to protect those innocents.

Personal thoughts

How come rain can't put out fires? I thought they could because in the previous Fireman Sam movie, the rain stopped the forest fire. Also no one keeps gas canisters out in the open and really close right? I don't leave my house enough to examine the usage of gas canisters. Also, the new fire man station is way too equipped for being a small town with three active firefighters. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I am still annoyed by the fact the rain couldn't stop a fire. Am I just stupid enough to believe that rain is helpful? It doesn't matter because the town is real. They added a bunch of new characters that I had never seen so I felt no remorse when it came to them and did not want them to be shown any mercy. Kidding, or am I?

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Your fellow film watcher

Kiddo the Super Truck



I was trapped in a room and desperate for any source of entertainment. I turned to my favorite streaming service at the moment, Tubi TV. Although this movie was not the first one, I watched that day, it was certainly the last. 

What in the world?

There is no plot. Instead, it is a bunch of little story things revolving around the life of a stupid red car named Kiddo. He isn't special by the way. The movie makes you believe he is super unique but then contradict themselves by making everyone be able to do the same thing as Kiddo can do. 

Personal thoughts

Not enough car sounds. The movie did not have real car sounds but random middle aged dudes making car sounds with their mouths. That was probably the best part of the movie because the car sounds only really happened near the end. I also could have just been completely insane by that point, and anything could probably have made me laugh. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I think the whole thing was a coming-of-age story, but it was really hard to tell. I thought that it was a bunch of little shorts with the smallest overlapping plot to connect them. Nothing was ever really explained, and it ended the same way it started. The car sounds could not save this movie even if they tried. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Kiara the Brave or Super K



Tubi TV brings all sorts of entertainment. I had to try and find a dumb movie that would keep my sister entertained and myself at the same time. When watching the trailer, we both believed that this movie would be the perfect thing to watch.

What in the world?

The brother of the king has concocted a scheme to get rid of the king. He creates a baby in a pot for a reason which is never explained. He later teams up with a voodoo evil guy to kidnap the king. His son goes on to be the main hero cloud of the movie. 

Personal thoughts

I have no clue why they call people clouds in this movie. It's hard to tell if they turn into clouds or if that's just what people are called on their planet. My favorite character was a wizard dude named Mesmerizor. He was the best. The evil guy, Dreadmis, had the strangest character arc I have ever seen. He just appears out of nowhere and spouts nonsense about forgiveness and he turns into a good guy. Also, Kiara did not do a single thing the whole movie and then replaces Super Cloud or Super K in the title. Very rude.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I can't help but enjoy these knockoff movies with a childlike mind because they just are made for profit. You can tell that the whole time you are watching this film. I did not like how Super Cloud was a baby and not a cloud but I'm just an outsider when it comes to Dreamzone (name of the planet). I was also confused on why they always threatened to kill people but then never did. It's like they avoided killing people so that it could still be considered a children's film. I could say a lot more about this film, but I am going to choose not to. 

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Your fellow film watcher

A Turtle's Tale 2: Sammy's Escape From Paradise



I didn't mean to watch this movie, honestly. I was just waiting for my sister to be done with something and then we ended up watching this movie. I had never seen the first movie which left me blind to what could happen in this one. 

What in the world?

Two old men turtles (protagonists from the first movie?) get captured and their idiot children or grandchildren try and go get them. The two pairs are separated and find themselves facing different threats like underwater aquariums and just the big, old ocean. 

Personal thoughts

I did not want to watch this movie. I thought it was just going to get turned off but when it didn't, I was not disappointed. The movie liked to mention death a lot which is scary only in the fact that it is a movie about sea turtles. The way they thought of to escape was super dark and the rest of the film had a mafia led by a weird-looking sea horse. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I hated Jimbo and wanted him to die (again!) for the entire movie. I don't like how they had to revive him because of the fact that it is a children's movie. I also did not like how none of the baby turtles got eaten. There were plenty of opportunities, but the predators did not do a good job and failed. The movie did have its moments with the split personality crustacean.

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Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Chance for Christmas



I knew this was a movie I had to watch when it was being advertised on my homepage for the Firestick. A Tubi original even. Perfect for a little Christmas spirit. I watched it two days for the new year. 

What in the world?

A vlogger person gets stuck in a time loop with her finance person when they have to reach a view count. Christmas Eve is then repeated forever with the gradual hopeless moments of the characters. 

Personal thoughts

For a Tubi original this movie actually wasn't that bad. Sure, it was not a classic movie like Hallmark, but you could tell that it was trying to be. I really liked the characters casually going insane. That really spiced up the movie. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. Just like every other movie it had its moments but that didn't take away from all the repetitiveness that happened. Yes, I understand that was the whole concept of the plot but that doesn't mean that I had to enjoy every time the same words were repeated in a script. Call it being picky, but I just can't take repititon. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher




There's not much to say on the why. When you get trapped in a room for a couple of hours, you find yourself falling down the Tubi rabbit hole that is inevitable for me at this point. 

What in the world

Shaquille O'Neal stares in this movie as an army man turned vigilante. If you ever thought the world needed another Batman, then this is the movie fit for you. His parents were not tragically killed though so that's pretty good.

Personal thoughts

This movie had real people in it, and it wasn't animated so that was kind of a bummer. I know this is a real kind of movie, but I just got so attached to horrible animation and little to no plot. The best line in the movie revolved around hot dogs which is something that can't be said for a lot of other movies. 


I would have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. The movie had its moments whether that was intentional or not. The villain was strasight up psychotic and no one really realized it. The superhero costume was just so top notch that I couldn't even think to give this movie anything less than a 5. 

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Your fellow film watcher