This movie was one of the two good movies to sample this month on Amazon Prime. It seemed to be a decent thing to watch.
What in the world?
A woman about to give up on finding love chooses to listen to what a handbook has to say about finding a partner. Her sister supports the handbook while her mom says it should be about a spark and not what someone else says works for you.
Personal thoughts
This movie was so boring. I wished for the end almost all of the time. It just seemed like such a waste of a premise. The characters that she chose could have had more uniqueness and they could be exuberant in their personality like other hallmark characters. They seemed to have no emotion in their voices and that made me dislike both of the characters. Bold move for her to date two guys at a time I mean come on that's just bound to lead to trouble. Surprisingly they never let either of the two know when they were dating at the same time which is surprising seeing as how idiotic the characters were at some points.
I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The bride screaming all the time ruined that aspect for me. As stated, the characters were super boring and they had no expressions really except neutral. Almost all of the time. I don't remember a single moment of empathy from any of the characters. However, the movie had dogs so that's a major plus, but at the same time the showing of dogs was very minimal and very sad.
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Your fellow film watcher