Friday, May 27, 2022

Dater's Handbook



This movie was one of the two good movies to sample this month on Amazon Prime. It seemed to be a decent thing to watch. 

What in the world?

A woman about to give up on finding love chooses to listen to what a handbook has to say about finding a partner. Her sister supports the handbook while her mom says it should be about a spark and not what someone else says works for you.

Personal thoughts

This movie was so boring. I wished for the end almost all of the time. It just seemed like such a waste of a premise. The characters that she chose could have had more uniqueness and they could be exuberant in their personality like other hallmark characters. They seemed to have no emotion in their voices and that made me dislike both of the characters. Bold move for her to date two guys at a time I mean come on that's just bound to lead to trouble. Surprisingly they never let either of the two know when they were dating at the same time which is surprising seeing as how idiotic the characters were at some points. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The bride screaming all the time ruined that aspect for me. As stated, the characters were super boring and they had no expressions really except neutral. Almost all of the time. I don't remember a single moment of empathy from any of the characters. However, the movie had dogs so that's a major plus, but at the same time the showing of dogs was very minimal and very sad.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Love and Where to Find it



Sampling from Amazon Prime for the month. Also, the trailer had me hooked from the beginning. 

What in the world?

A small-town coffee shop owner falls in love with her big town coffee competitor. They also flirt through their friends and that's what brought the two of them together. 

Personal thoughts

This movie didn't really stick out to me. It became boring halfway through and the people didn't really stick out as much as they could. I mean the guy walking with the hard hat was awkward and I loved it but that was really the only thing that stuck out other than STREET MEAT! 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. Apparently it is almost an exact copy of You Got Mail which makes the originality and the sentiment unexistent. The side characters couldn't even do much to help the movie. At least they tried and introduced us to STREET MEAT!

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Love in Aruba



Something about the trailer for this movie had me hooked and I needed to find out why this was on my watchlist. Of course I was going to watch something that involved romance. 

What in the world?

A teacher takes up a gig as a nanny for the summer and ends up falling for the dad who works with wind turbines. That information is important even though it seems irrelevant.

Personal thoughts

Who knew that an island could have an ostrich farm? That was something that caught my attention. Granted it wasn't important to the plot or the movie, but it was kind of important I think. The lady got an ostrich stuffed animal at the end so that could help the significance of ostrich. I did learn some cool ostrich facts. That's not the point of the movie though. The romance between the two of them was kind of weird and the only one that seemed to notice any of the signs was the child and even then she didn't help that much. Tony was the best side character though and he kind of seemed like a real person which is nice. Always refreshing to have a character that doesn't have attributes turned up to 100.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. I enjoyed the credits more than I did the movie. Kidding! The movie wasn't that bad, but it did seem to stretch out. The 15 minute conflict wasn't even exciting. The guy panicked after he kissed her and sent her away without knowing because all the guys in rom-coms do this sort of thing. The wind turbine thing was okay but I mean it could have been more exciting but I guess that sometimes ideas are hard to come by. It also makes the movie unique compared to others.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, May 16, 2022

A Cinderella Christmas



It was recommended to me by Amazon. 

What in the world?

An event planner disguises as her cousin so that she can attend an event and she gets discovered (kind of). She seduced the guy and he wants to find her but finds the cousin instead. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting. The fact that the cousin had any  power over the main character is just bizarre. I don't see why she couldn't just talk to her uncle instead of agreeing to any of the schemes conceived by the cousin. Holding a dream hostage just to get married is pretty bizarre. The guy was scruffy apparently because my mom kept saying that he needed to shave and I just didn't really care. I feel like so much happened in this movie but as I type this, I lost whatever came to mind. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The romance wasn't even good enough to save the film. It was filled with lies and deceit. They kind of developed chemistry while planning for a wedding, but not enough for me to believe in it. I didn't really like the main girl mainly because she spoke in whispers all the time. It was kind of off putting. 

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T-Buster: The Return of Dark Assault



This movie randomly started playing after something that I had watched. I saw some of it and knew that it was worth a watch.

What in the world?

A group of alien people room with a kid and they do whatever they need to to stay on Earth. The one also has a brother who is a plot detail throughout the movie. 

Personal thoughts

For something branded as a children's movie, it was kind of dark. It was definitely a surprise and that's all that really matters. I was okay with the violence and the robot transformations were just a bit confusing for my taste. You couldn't really tell what was happening in the robot and the origins of the robot were also unknown throughout the entire thing. They also kept trying to kill off the brother and that was just wrong because I would have preferred if he had died instead of the false deaths that they kept shoving down my throat. OH the main character kept losing liquid and he was probably made of liquid or he has a very good water intake because he cried, sweat, and drooled the entire time. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was hard to pinpoint what was going on. The poses that they did as training were pretty good but they looked absolutely stupid. Granted rage of the penguin was the best thing that I have heard in a while. The picture was even better too. The main characters were FLAWED to say the least. I wanted them to shut up sometimes. The character called Medic was my favorite though because he was actually chaotic. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Lights, Camera, Romance



The twin dude from the Identical Love movie was in this one so I just had to watch it since his depth as an actor was so intriguing. 

What in the world?

Spoiled later in this section so ignore if you actually want to watch. Based loosely on Jane Austen's Emma, an actress tries hooking people up and then realizes her best friend is someone that she loves, and she stops trying to set people up. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was something. I don't know anything about Jane Austen so I was kind of in the dark but it is a romantic comedy so I could still understand it.  The main lady was super boring and she was also kind of annoying. Something about the traits she possessed just made her kind of hard to like as a character. The best friend wasn't really in this movie as much as I thought he would be and that's fine because he owned two maps so that's always a downside. There were a lot of shots of the city which was cool I guess but every scene change would include an establishing shot of the city. Weird thing to do in my opinion.


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It had some value to it but overall it just wasn't that good. My sister posed a very philosophical prompt because of it though. "Imagine being an actress in a movie and playing an actress trying to be a person or a character for a different movie." That's something that I want you, the reader, to think about.

Justice for Hope

Hope was a victim in this situation. Moving to a different state with no family is a hard feat I would assume. Now imagine being bombarded by someone right as you move in and they're trying to set you up with someone. That's what happened to Hope. She is set up with Emma's agent and he does not like her because he is in love with Emma. So then moving on (she wasn't hurt), she was getting food and she sees him at a restaurant. She tries to make small talk with him where he continues to yell at her and call her boring causing a scene in the establishment. She then starts to like the best friend as she gets to know him and after they went out for a while, she realizes that he is in love with Emma and she dumps him so he can be with Emma. In Emma, Hope's character would have gotten together with a cool farmer guy (according to my mother) and she would have been happy because farmer guy was the person she loved all along but in the end she just sticks with focusing on her work as a dentist. Very fun life choices if you ask me.

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Friday, May 13, 2022

Coffee Shop



It looked like an awful romance movie. Just like the quality of this picture.

What in the world?

A woman owns a coffee shop and houses a playwright as he searches for his next Broadway play.

Personal thoughts

The sister was awful. She only wanted things to go her way and made life miserable for those around her. She heard what she wanted to hear and did not appreciate anyone else that was around her. The old love interest (Patrick) was pretty awful in his own right. He wanted to sell her shop and thought that that was love. Oh, the girl was singing a song, but it just did not sound like it came from her. It sounded edited in a way but I can't quite pinpoint where that is most evident. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. Yeah sure it was ok but when you choose to have 8 minutes of narration it doesn't really help your movie. It was very weird and guess what? It had no impact on the movie at all. We get the same bit of information later from one of the lady's coworkers. 

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The Nuttiest Nutcracker



I mean look at the picture I chose and tell me why I wouldn't want to watch this movie. KIDDING! The animation looked bad so I had to give it a try.

What in the world?

Imagine the nutcracker but crank the food notch up to an 11 and you have this movie. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was so bad that it was actually kind of decent. I wasn't expecting it to be a "musical", but I was thoroughly surprised. The mouse king song was honestly the best song I have heard in an awful movie. The nuts were awful and I think that she should have left them in the cheese mines (exactly what it sounds like). I'm pretty sure that the uncle was evil since he was the one that shrunk her. Maybe that's not what he was supposed to be, buuuuut from what I saw he cursed her on purpose so she would shut up about Christmas. Good move Uncle Drosselmeyer. Good move. 


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It was pretty good but the other songs in the movie were not good at all. The dancing for the other two was actually horrendous but in a funny way so that's good. The prince was kind of freaky hence why his face can be seen above. Other than that the plot was basic and it served its purpose.

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Monday, May 9, 2022

Identical Love



This movie has been sitting in my watchlist for a while and now was as good a time as ever.

What in the world?

A doctor falls in love with the twin brother of her ex-fiancĂ©e who broke off the wedding the day of. It's a lot to take in. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was kind of strange. All the doctors that ended up on the island to volunteer end up finding love. Weird flex guys but okay love as volunteers is pretty cool. The romance with the brother was lacking but it was funny to see her ptsd flashbacks of her ex who is a sadist. Who smiles when they break off a wedding with someone? This movie also handled emotional situations poorly. Characters smiled at inappropriate times all the time in the movie. "Oh, hey my wife passed away" Character smiles. Like whaaat? 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. Sure, the flashbacks were funny, and it was funny to watch at times but the plot was dull. The main conflict was something that had been happening the whole time. The moment the conflict is solved is while they help an injured child. So romantic!

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Your fellow film watcher

Saturday, May 7, 2022

A Royal Christmas Engagement



I'm a sucker for Christmas romance movies that have royalty in it and this one has been on the watchlist for a while. 

What in the world?

An ad executive is trying to prove to her boss that she can do an ad campaign and for some reason a businessman from England (prince in disguise) has to help her.

Personal thoughts

This movie got boring real fast. Nothing seemed to happen and by the end where we got to the 15-minute conflict. The prince was also super dumb, but the main character was even worse. My sister and mom almost forgot what her name was which was honestly super sad. If I can't even remember the name of a character than how can you expect me to remember the important parts of your movie. Some guy kind of looked like Kylo Ren so that was pretty cool. He suffered a tragic fate according to the end narration though. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I hate how nothing happened. I want things to happen but then nothing happened. The only exciting thing that happened was an old man in the background. Characters in the background are hard to navigate I understand that, but this guy was in the background every time they switched the camera angle. That was the best part. Oh, the main characters get engaged for some reason without any semblance of a time lapse since how long they had known each other before the engagement. Guess they had to live up to the title somehow.

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Daphne and Velma



It was on Tubi, and I thought I should give it a watch since I had seen someone vaguely review it before.

What in the world?

Daphne and Velma are trying to solve a mystery that has infected their high school. 

Personal thoughts

I feel like this movie is ok if you have never seen anything scooby doo ever. It takes the character traits of the two and then amplifies them and puts them on blast. I mean that would make sense, but then again it also doesn't make sense. The villain in the movie was kind of weird and expected, but their plot was horrendous, and I think that they should have been able to continue their villainous scheme. Oh, the fight scene that is in this movie is crazy on the senses and it's kind of I don't even know how to describe it in more than two words. Robot spiders. That's all the info you need to understand how crazy this was.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It had its moments, but the jokes always went on for too long. The only long running joke that was good was the guy in a cape on a hoverboard. That's one crazy sentence, but that's really what happened. I get that they had a young audience to entertain but that doesn't mean your film has to be trash. I feel like if I had the time and the resources, I could have made a better Daphne and Velma movie. "I'm gooood" though. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A Match Made at Christmas



Found it in my watchlist and I am so glad it was there.

What in the world?

A prophet aunt can predict who has true love and the two main people are the victims or targets. Victims are too harsh.

Personal thoughts

I love the love interest. Crazy sentence. I want to believe that they found him on the street because his acting can only be described as robotic. His face had no expressions the entire time and it made the movie bearable. He also called out the main character a lot and I loved him for that. The main character was trash and Chris the robot should not have come back to her, but he deserves to be happy as a robot magazine worker. Ms. Maggie the old lady character that appeared was great because she acted like what you expect of a sweet old lady. She was great.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. This movie was too long. I got bored near the end because it was a bunch of nothing really. The wedding was boring and then the montage of things after the wedding was also boring. The wedding is of her brother to her best friend not her own wedding. The main character sucked, and you could tell that in every scene that she was in.

The main character blues

She sucked. Let's be real here, people have flaws. The main character does not go past those, and she sucks the whole time. Let's start with how she treats her best friend. She puts her friend into social situations that she does not want to be in. She invites a lot of people to gatherings even though she clearly wants it to be just the two of them and no one else. She then ruins her bachelorette party by going on a date with Chris at the same time. She then gets confronted and apologizes by buying her friend her dream dress. I guess that was nice, but I just don't like her, so any examples work for me. Poor Chris. She constantly lies to him and then tries to fix all of his problems for him. When he tells her this, she acts like nothing happened and she didn't step out of line by getting him an interview at a magazine. She also does the bachelorette thing which just proves that she cannot think. She had time to tell him about the bachelorette thing and reschedule but she decides to hurt everyone around her so that's nice. She almost ruins her brother's paint business (don't ask that was so weird). The only character she is truly nice to is her mother who has needed help throughout her life. So yeah.

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Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Joy and Hope



It was on my watchlist. That's the only reason I can think of other than the trailer looking like the acting was a basic level.

What in the world?

A writer obtains writer's block and has to go to a ranch to get rid of it. Love is everywhere except with Stink Fisher otherwise known as the father of the daughters. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was boring. I thought that the main love interest was going to be the writer guy, but it wasn't. Each sister (Joy and Hope) had their own love interest, and it made the movie seem pointless. Both of the sisters are engaged by the end and none of my questions get answered. Like why this movie exists. It doesn't even paint anxiety in a realistic light. That bothered me internally and it made me uncomfortable watching her just get in and out of a car almost casually. 


1.5 out of 10. This movie was bad. Sorry Stink Fisher, but even you couldn't save this movie. There was a four-foot tree which was nice because it looked like a bush, but you know it's a tree. The acting was lame and so was the romance. It was hard to believe that the friend romance was good because he had his arm around her in a boyfriend protecting way and she didn't react in any way. It was very strange.

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Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, May 1, 2022

All I Want for Christmas



This movie I found while on a trailer binge.

What in the world?

A business lady wants to know what people think so a magic elf named Calvin gives her an ugly magic pin that lets her hear other people's thoughts.

Personal thoughts

This was a boring movie at times. The forced comedy that I had to watch was unbearable at times. That was unfair because I signed up to hear other people's thoughts not their hopes and dreams. Kidding. Never got to hear dreams but I got to hear their hopes instead. Calvin the elf was a weird guy who just wanted to hit on girls. He was telling a girl to be naughty, but she wasn't a girl but like an adult woman so that makes it less creepy but still kind of creepy. Drew (the guy that owns a matchmaking site but is not the love interest) was my favorite character because he never stopped hating the main character which is a good thing. The main character sucked as a human being, and I stand by the fact that she showed little change. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It had some things in it, but overall, it sucked. Her boss literally calls her on the phone when she is on the same roof as him for a company party. HUH! What kind of person are you that can't just walk up to someone and tell them to present by themselves? Oh, the main character could hear animal thoughts but only in their native tongues. What was the point of that then hm? I did not need to watch her try and talk to her dog when they are not even having some kind of conversation. Hard pass on that. I also didn't need to delve into the mind of a random talk show host to see what he was thinking. Or hear what he was thinking I guess. It was pointless and was not as funny as they were trying to make it seem. 

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