Amazon Prime likes to put rom coms on for a month and you have to catch them before they leave. This was one of them.
What in the world?
A veterinarian comes back to her hometown so that her grandpa can retire. She then reunites with her high school sweetheart and antics ensue to get him to stay in unnamed town.
Personal thoughts
My boy, Lee Majors, was in this movie and I idolize the Six Million Dollar Man so I knew this film was a must watch. It also had the Bionic Woman and that's the romance I was there for. The main characters were pretty obvious, and I think that was the point, but it was very annoying to watch. All the moments were there but they just were in la la land half the movie. The only saving graces were the old people romance and the dogs. Did I mention that there were a lot of dogs and that they were cute?
I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. This was great only when it showed dogs and not some pointless attempts to admit how they feel. Maybe I've just seen too many of these but sometimes I just have to call it like I see it. It took the man the whole movie and the day before his fiancé left for New York to finally break off the engagement. Their whole relationship was a sham and I think that it was the worst yet most interesting thing that the main characters had to offer. They also had the necessity of a makeover montage that involves letting down a girl's hair.
Antagonist love interest relationship
I do believe that this part of the movie was extremely unlikely. If you work and own a rescue shelter for dogs, wouldn't you want to find someone that can understand and go along with your love of dogs? If your answer was no, then you would have been perfect to play the main character. His fiancé didn't even like dogs, yet he was still with her until the day before she left for New York. He also thought that he owed her since she got him and his shelter really far. When he meets up with the main character, he falls back in love with her and knows that she feels the same but still feels like he has to lead the fiancé on. This is unrealistic because someone who loves dogs and works with them for a living would find someone who also loves dogs. My sister agrees with this point and wanted the fiancé to leave because she did not like dogs. All in all, it was super unrealistic and could have made the movie shorter which I understand is the point.
Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher