Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Eat, Play, Love



Amazon Prime likes to put rom coms on for a month and you have to catch them before they leave. This was one of them.

What in the world?

A veterinarian comes back to her hometown so that her grandpa can retire. She then reunites with her high school sweetheart and antics ensue to get him to stay in unnamed town.

Personal thoughts

My boy, Lee Majors, was in this movie and I idolize the Six Million Dollar Man so I knew this film was a must watch. It also had the Bionic Woman and that's the romance I was there for. The main characters were pretty obvious, and I think that was the point, but it was very annoying to watch. All the moments were there but they just were in la la land half the movie. The only saving graces were the old people romance and the dogs. Did I mention that there were a lot of dogs and that they were cute?


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. This was great only when it showed dogs and not some pointless attempts to admit how they feel. Maybe I've just seen too many of these but sometimes I just have to call it like I see it. It took the man the whole movie and the day before his fiancé left for New York to finally break off the engagement. Their whole relationship was a sham and I think that it was the worst yet most interesting thing that the main characters had to offer. They also had the necessity of a makeover montage that involves letting down a girl's hair.

Antagonist love interest relationship

I do believe that this part of the movie was extremely unlikely. If you work and own a rescue shelter for dogs, wouldn't you want to find someone that can understand and go along with your love of dogs? If your answer was no, then you would have been perfect to play the main character. His fiancé didn't even like dogs, yet he was still with her until the day before she left for New York. He also thought that he owed her since she got him and his shelter really far. When he meets up with the main character, he falls back in love with her and knows that she feels the same but still feels like he has to lead the fiancé on. This is unrealistic because someone who loves dogs and works with them for a living would find someone who also loves dogs. My sister agrees with this point and wanted the fiancé to leave because she did not like dogs. All in all, it was super unrealistic and could have made the movie shorter which I understand is the point. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

The Steam Engines of Oz



I had to pick something semi normal since my father was present in the room (he ended up leaving anyway), so I decided to choose this movie. It didn't look too bad and it had some pretty famous names in it. Fun fact, it's also a comic book series. I figured that out when I was looking for an opening picture to use. 

What in the world?

A girl who has lived in the Tin Man's dungeon for years breaks out because she was told that she was the only one that could talk some living sense into the Tin Man. Oh also industrialization is the main enemy in this movie which is either subliminal or right in your face for the entire movie. 

Personal thoughts

I loved the way that they did flashbacks in this movie. It wasn't the best way to do it, but I loved when they would put random words of the narrative in the flashback so you could really understand the points that they were trying to make. The scarecrow was my favorite character because he was just so casual about literally everything. Oh, you're decapitated. Not that big of a deal. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I enjoyed the plot and the Tin Man was a pretty impressive bad guy. In looks, absolutely not in motivation. The main characters really meant nothing to me and the secondary characters were probably the better if I had to pick. Also, the scarecrow becomes the turning point in the movie and it's not really explained why or at least I can't remember if it was. 

The film and death (spoilers incoming)

Ok half of this movie was fight scenes and I have to talk about it. Don't have a character stop breathing. That implies that they are dead. Finished. Forgotten. You can't just show the same people who aren't breathing and then have them come back minutes later to fulfill a rating to let children watch it. If you have a character's plane go down in an explosion. Hate to break it to you but they are dead. They don't come back. None of these are ever explained and this frustrates me. I believed all those characters died because they had stopped moving. The cluthas (imagine tigers but sadder) were dead when they were lifted up and slammed on top of soldiers. Those soldiers are dead because their ribs are broken. They don't just magically come to life. Yes, you could argue that they are in the land of Oz and they should be fine but let me point out the Tin Man's wife. The whole reason industrialization became a thing. She was dying because the magic in Oz was not enough to help her anymore. Therefore making the magic an inexcusable thing to cure death. If all the witches couldn't save one munchkin, what makes you think that everyone in the war was going to magically live? In conclusion, I believe that most of the characters we were introduced to should have died and the film would have had more weight to it. Yes, I understand that this movie is for kids just let me have this.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, March 28, 2022

Combat Wombat



This one was recommended to me by Amazon Prime so I figured eh might as well watch it.

What in the world?

A wombat who has recently lost her husband teams up with a sugar glider to fight crime. Little do they know what that really means. 

Personal thoughts

I didn't want the badger to die. He did not deserve that fate and that was legitimately very sad. I was misled throughout the movie and my favorite character became the one that I thought was evil. There was a point where you could see the dread hit his face as his world crashed around him and it was very emotional and I felt really bad for this fictional character pretending to be a superhero. The sugar glider would have been a fine sidekick if he didn't talk so much. I felt like they needed to fill the space and so they decided to have him say a bunch of lines to fill up time and space.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. This movie was made by the Queensland government or something (just know that they were involved). There was at least a minute and a half of production logos at the beginning of this movie and there was a minute of credits at the beginning and five and a half minutes of credits at the end. That's not important, but I felt like I needed to bring it up so that someone else can get annoyed too. The twists come from every corner so you have to keep up if you want to figure out who it is beforehand. If that's what you want to happen then forget some of the things I said so you can be surprised. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Nancy Drew, Reporter



Nancy Drew is a staple in my household so when we found an old Nancy Drew movie, we knew we had to watch it.

What in the world?

Nancy Drew wants to win a medal in journalism or reporting so she steals someone else's topic to write about. This topic is murder, so she then has to clear the girl that they believe is responsible. 

Personal thoughts

Although real people movies and black-and-white movies are not really my thing, I thought this one had its own charm. The character of Nancy Drew was much different than in the books which was a welcome change and made the movie more entertaining. From the books I read, no one died in them, so it makes sense that the character adapted to the screen had some changes. Also, it kind of bothered me that Ned Nickerson was actually Ted Nickerson. That was a shock for me, and my boy Ned deserved so much better than the guy that was on the screen. 


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It had a quaint little plot, and it was interesting to watch the events unfold. There were however 2 scenes that I felt should not have been in the movie. The first scene was when Ned had to fight the boxer guy. This scene was pointless and added nothing to the plot except run time. The second scene was when they were trying to pay their bill. They had to sing to entertain the guests, and this went on for longer than it should have if you couldn't have guessed. It was a bunch of nursery rhymes. If you cared, they were able to pay their bill and leave.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Felix and the Time Machine



I just needed something on for background noise and Tubi recommended this so I thought I would give it a watch/listen.

What in the world?

A living stuffed animal is visiting the museum when he runs into a time machine. The rest of the plot should be evident from that little description. 

Personal thoughts

At first, I thought the movie was pretty cute for being for kids. I didn't find anything wrong with it. This was only 10 minutes in and then I was hit with weirdness. A wooly mammoth sees Queen Nefertiti and calls her a babe. This was when I knew I was in for a wild ride. Some Vikings sang a song and I loved it. It was more pirate themed but that's okay I loved it anyway. There was also a song about Egyptian girls but that was trash, and the movie could have been ten times better without it. Gertrude the turtle was annoying, and I was surprised to see them leave her in a hole in the freezing cold for so long.


I would have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The jumping from different time periods got old after a while and I found myself constantly checking to see how much of the movie was left because I thought that there couldn't be another possible time zone for them to go to. It was kind of funny to see the kids barely change facial expression so that was a nice touch. I don't think I would recommend this movie to anyone I know unless they had a child. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, March 25, 2022

Bookworm and the Beast



So, I might have a lot of romantic comedyesque movies saved on my watchlist and figured I might as well take some time and watch them. I randomly picked this one amongst the group and that's how we got here. 

What in the world?

You know I've never really thought of the title of this section before. Right now, I have no idea what the movie was about because it jumped from thing-to-thing kind of quickly but not slow enough to understand what was actually happening. Some guy who buys businesses hits an old man with his car and he hires the old man's daughter to help him fix his broken image. 

Personal thoughts

THIS MOVIE WAS BORING! That's right I'll say it. Near the end, I just could care less about what happened. My mom and I were literally talking to the screen and begging the main character to just approach the love interest and get with him even though he's the worst like almost the worst person that you could think of who isn't a war criminal. He literally proposed to her a few months after may I remind you hitting her dad with a car. AND SHE SAYS YES??? The old men in the movie really made it better, but then they ruined their cute moment by one of the two being hit by a car. What kind of sicko movie did I want to watch. Also the part about the old man being hit by a car was not part of the description I read and it was very shocking and I almost cried because he was great and didn't deserve to go out like that. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It had it's moments but overall it was just drab. Less than 30 minutes in, I found myself wondering when it was going to end or what kind of plot was going to happen or whatever. I do not think that the romance in this movie should have been a thing because the two characters were opposites and yet again I have to remind you that he hit her dad with his car. I don't know just think that would be kind of dealbreaker for a person but I guess I don't know that much then. 

Love Interest Guy aka Beiste (pronounced "Bee-stuh")

I despise this man. Strong way to start off this section but I can't help it. I didn't want half of the personal thoughts section to just be about this one man so here we go. He sucks. His job is literally getting people to sign away their businesses so a wealthier company can come take it and reuse it. He even says that he enjoys it and how demoralizing people is the way to go about it. First off, whoa you can like your job but maybe not to the extent that he does. Also, he was walking down the street, saw a crowd of people, and instantly thought that it was for him. It was for the grand opening of a coffee shop. For real dude, not for you and how dare you walk past someone and immediately think that it's for you. Oh he live streams as well for some reason and requires two bodyguards to protect him. I don't know how important he is but he sure does take pride in using people so that's fun. After he hits the old man, he finds his daughter who had posted a video about it and tried to bribe her with better medical care for her dad. Not okay dude. AND then he threatened to take away her dad's farm if she doesn't help him to fix his public image. He refuses to listen to her throughout most of the movie and then when he does he romanticizes it in his head which leads to him asking her for dinner and not taking no for an answer just to celebrate gaining a few followers. Weird flex and weird date. Theeeen he admits he has feelings for her and freaking proposes and that's not even the part she thought was weird. She thought it was just a ploy for his public image and that's when she runs away. I don't know what kind of romance this was but just don't follow whatever this template was because that's weird. Your decision in the end though just look for the signs.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Christmas Dance



I don't know but Amazon recommended this movie to me so I figured that I might as well give it a watch.

What in the world?

A girl has to go to her hometown for a family emergency and ends up trying to juggle her brother, a relationship with a guy named Jason, setting up a Christmas pageant, and meeting a deadline for her job.

Personal thoughts

The first half of the movie was pretty okay. It was also the part where I wasn't really paying too close of attention, but I do know that texting and driving will lead to the amputation of a limb so take that information and use it as you will. The plot was not that interesting, and I did not find myself genuinely interested in what any of the characters had to say. The last half of the movie the viewer is left with a lecture about Christmas from two different points of view: Christian and writer who met a deadline that she recently changed. It ends with the guy saying, "Bravo Sarah Appleton. Bravo." That is the opposite of what seeing this movie makes you feel inside. Also, who carries extra gas in their truck? Granted the guy did say it was for a snowblower or a chainsaw or something, but it seemed way too coincidental to be a thing that happens.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The main character guy was pretty boring, and I don't think he had a personality. I just remember him having a "glow-up" where he went from having glasses to having abs. So that was a transformation that I could have gone without. I was taken aback and reeled back from shock at one point in the movie so that was pretty fun. I love a good Christmas romance movie but this one just wasn't it. Oh, it also had like one dance and she referred to her life as a dance a total of hm one time and even then it was really hard to spot.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Toy Warrior


I felt like watching a movie and this one was right near the beginning because someone didn't want to watch a movie about fashion designer dogs.

What in the world?

A kid is transported to the land of toys after picking up a magic, glowing rock. He is destined to save both of his worlds. 

Personal thoughts

Ugh, I didn't think this movie was that bad. It was pretty awesome, and I enjoyed myself the whole time. The bad guy was honestly pretty close to perfect, and the main characters were only slightly annoying. It also had a decent amount of death scenes and only a couple of scenes that could produce nightmares. It would switch from cartoonish animation to straight up CGI. When that was first introduced, it looked as if they were trying to get ready for a video game in the early 2000s. It was both awesome and super terrifying. 


I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. I can't say much to bring this movie down except for the fact that the main characters got on my nerves more than I would actually like to admit. Also, the main cute sidekick meant for toy sales was kind of annoying and I found myself wishing for his demise half of the time.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, March 21, 2022

Church People



I watched about 30 seconds of the trailer and could feel the bad movie vibes radiating off of it. I knew it had to be something that needed to be watched.

What in the world?

Some kind of touring youth pastor feels that his life is not as fulfilled as it once was. He goes back to his home church and begins to learn what his true purpose is in life.

Personal thoughts

The plot is really insane. I was seriously caught off guard when the plot was introduced, and it was very hard to take this movie seriously if that was the intention that they were trying to get across. There was a character that sang all the time and I think he said 2 or 3 lines normally in the entire movie. That was really um something. I think if he was anywhere near me, and he did that kind of stuff I would throw up my hands and walk away from the situation. He's not the main focus of the movie though some guy named Guy is the main focus and his love interest I don't remember her name but she's old enough to be his daughter so that was pretty interesting to see. 


I am going to give this movie a 4 out of 10. Even though it revolved around a pastor, it was hard to tell it was an inherently Christian movie at times. It becomes apparent near the end and that's when it hits you like a hammer that you are truly watching a Christian movie and they will not let you forget it. Oh, I forgot to talk about Chad. Chad is like the human version of God in this movie because he directs all the main characters into situations that they need to be in. He's just described as a weird dude and then the film kind of just ends with him saying that Christians can be funny but not on purpose. That was very sad and that's when I lost all hope in the movie. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Leo the Lion


I needed something to watch, and this said it was a pretty popular movie, so I decided to see what the hype was from 3 people who gave it an overall 2.5 out of 5-star rating.

What in the world?

A lion is being discriminated against because he is a vegetarian. He ventures off to go find the heart of the jungle which his dead mother said would keep him safe. As he ventures forth, he picks up a bunch of stranded children and brings them with him. There's also an evil elephant who wants to be king and he tries to kill some baby elephants, but that's not important because the lion is a vegetarian. Remember that.

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie was okay if you looked past the abysmal animation. A third into the movie they begin to sing for no reason and that continues to be the case throughout the movie with a beautiful end song about something you never would have guessed: How Leo is a vegetarian. Uncle Lope (the comedic relief) is an abomination to the human eye and is horrible while he is on screen. One of my favorite parts of the movie was when they left Leo for dead after he falls off a log. There was also a really cool turtle that talked a lot and I thought it was a very relatable character. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. There was a horrible scene of children milking a zebra (sorry if that gave you images). They almost had elephant birth in it too which would have ruined my mind and exposed me to things that I would not have wanted to be subjected to. Leo was just a normal lion who watched his mom die and their motivation for the whole movie was not really clear which made me as a viewer very confused. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Cinderella (but the Wild West animals)



For once, I didn't pick this movie. My sister wanted to watch this movie so that's what we did.

What in the world?

A cow thing is named Cinderella and is mistreated by her dog stepmothers and stepsisters. They inevitably make the prince have to marry them via card game or "Hazard of Hearts" style (you are awesome if you've seen that movie). The prince's mom gets kidnapped, so they have to go free her from pirates (as seen above).

Personal thoughts

The movie wasn't that bad, and it was darker than I expected it to be. There was a shaman in it that was just there to be a narrator for when they leave at the end of the movie. I ended up rooting for the queen and her captor in the ways of love, but he was shot into the sky and never seen again so that was disappointing. 


I am going to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It wasn't captivating but it was interesting. The music for the fight scenes and the chase scenes was just top notch and did not match the mood at all which just made it that much better. The bad guys were very interesting and spoiler someone dies. That's right they kill someone off. That takes guts so that's what moved the score from a 5 to a 6. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits



Again, I just needed something to watch. 

What in the world?

Don't let this picture fool you. This is not a movie about dancing car mechanics. A girl wants to be a singer and she wants to act but can't because evil stepmother. The basic concept of Cinderella except ooohhh girl knows about cars. 

Personal thoughts

It wouldn't have been so bad if the music wasn't so bad. The songs were bad and replayed over and over. The dancing was also super easy and most human beings could be able to replicate it. The motorcycle is only used to drive the love plot between the two main characters. It was just sad. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The story was okay, but it felt like it was missing something that would have made it extra special. It did have the best green screen a girl could ask for but that was at the beginning and I felt like it should have been in there longer. The main guy couldn't sing very well which is strange seeing how he was supposed to be a pop star. No hate on him though it just seemed weird if you're going for continuity. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

The Mighty Kong



I needed a movie to watch, and I had seen the trailer for this movie multiple times, so I decided to give in.

What in the world?

A washed-up theatre guy goes on an expedition to lands unknown to film for his movie with an actress he picked up off the street. While there, they meet the mighty Kong (cue title) and chaos ensues.

Personal thoughts

Since it was a musical, there were a lot of strange songs that were as expected, strange. There was a forced love thing that didn't make any sense but maybe it is part of Kong and I never noticed it before. The theatre guy was annoying and I kind of wanted him to get injured in the whole process.


I am going to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It wasn't bad and it wasn't good. There were parts which I enjoyed and then there were others that were just bad. Also, the girl was just annoying but I'm glad Kong and her had a moment so that we could see something with emotion in the film. It also just kind of ends with Kong alive and in New York so here we go.

Ending potential

Kong wakes up from his near death and looks around the city. He sees the broken buildings and a single tear drops from his cheek as he sees main girl shivering in fear. She then walks up to him and wipes the tear away from his eye. She tells him that they are going to put him on his own island where no one can disturb him, and he nods in understanding. They take him to the island and leave with broken hearts, but the thriving city of New York is rebuilt and made to look like the modern-day version. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Izzie's Way Home



I get bored really easily and had some free time to kill while my brain was on low power mode. 

What in the world?

A fish who lives in an aquarium and has spots is a social outcast and gets dumped into the ocean along with the others. She gets separated and Finding Nemo vibes are given for the rest of the movie. 

Personal thoughts

The beginning was more interesting than the end. Sure, they kill a fish at the end (not gonna say any other spoilers) but that doesn't mean it was particularly interesting. The only good character was the octopus and even then, he was just a deus ex machina octopus. The sea cucumber was the weirdest character and I feel like they could have picked a better sidekick/companion than whatever he was. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The plot was just Finding Nemo because obviously you rip off Disney or you're not going to get many views. The fish were just really weirdly animated and don't even get me started on the volcano because that was just awful. The fight/chase scenes were pretty awesome but that doesn't give the movie the right to be trash. I thought the guy at the beginning was awesome so if you happen to watch it (no idea why you would but whatever) keep an eye out at the beginning because he does some pretty great things. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher