Friday, June 24, 2022

Stop the Wedding



The last free sample of the month and of course it has a wedding in it. It's only right for the month of June.

What in the world?

A girl is very focused on trying to save her aunt from getting married to the weirdest guy ever. She ends up teaming up with the guy's son to try and get justice or something.

Personal thoughts

This movie was a wild one. The romance didn't even make that much sense because it had the beginning of their romance and they didn't like each other. I don't know how their relationship blossomed but he was blasting music in his house. The amount of times people talked about getting married in the movie was a surprising amount even though wedding is literally in the title. SPOILER: Don't get me started on how the two main characters end up getting married at the end as well. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was pretty entertaining and I could actually find people to enjoy. There was an aggressive old lady at the airport and she punched the main guy because he was being an idiot. As he does by the way that's his signature. Hopefully that doesn't cut into his surgeries or people are screwed. Another person of interest was the old man at the wedding. He was a character on the sidelines and he was leaning around trying to see the bride for some reason even though all he had to do was wait. He was pretty amazing. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

All of my Heart



It was another of the free samples for the month and this one was a Hallmark movie that is the first installment of a trilogy. Seriously hope that they do the smart choice and put the other two up in the coming months but that's highly unlikely.

What in the world?

A chef and a Wall Street broker inherit half a house. They have to try and live together while navigating I don't know life I guess.

Personal thoughts

Literally everyone I watched this with thought that the movie was on speed run mode. Every little plot point that was brought up was almost resolved 5 minutes later. That's insane. I felt like the movie should have been over near the beginning since it's Hallmark and they like to spread things out so that they can reach their special time limit to be considered a movie. The movie did have kids (baby goats if that wasn't obvious from the picture) so that was a good part of the movie. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. Although I checked how much time was left like 4 or 5 times, I seemed to be enjoying the movie for the most part. SPOILER: They did that thing at the end where the two main characters get engaged. Not married though that's apparently for the third movie. In the house that they inherited, there was this picture of the owner which they never took down and I think that is kind of weird. Like if you don't know how you're related to the person then I don't think the picture should be left out in a public space. Oh the two main characters were not related though so it's all good on that part. Tommy was a great side character because he could do everything in town and still have time to talk to the yutz from Wall Street. 


Yes that is a weird new thing but I did not like Daryl. He was the worst ex-boyfriend that I have seen in one of these movies lately. So main lady broke up with him because he was going to Singapore and they just were "geographically...out of sync." So that would make sense. Later she says she misses him and she calls but nothing happens. OK so later he calls her back (she has a landline) and the guy answers and he gets jealous. Keep in mind that they broke up and I don't know how long the time skips are in this movie. ANYWAY, he comes to the house and he tells her something I forgot and then leaves. They kind of get back together but they don't actually. That's weird. Then give it another time skip and he is anxious to speak with her and he proposes. WHAT! That was one of the weirdest parts of the movie. But then she says no and he understands that. They go out in the parking lot and HE KISSES HER! Dude that is the worst thing that you could do buuuuut SHE KISSED HIM BACK! I don't understand and I write this so that someone else can do mental gymnastics trying to figure that whole thing.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, June 20, 2022

Ms. Matched



This movie was one of the free samples for the month and one of the three that contained a wedding. I guess this is the super wedding season. 

What in the world? 

A wedding planner competes with a book maker who wants to downgrade the event. They end up working together to plan a wedding as they fight for budget over dream. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was one of the strangest Hallmark movies I've seen. Nevermind the man child and the fortune teller, this one was way weirder of a match. These two have different views when it comes to weddings and life but that doesn't stop them which is nice buuuuuut if you saw the movie, you would know that they argue throughout the entire thing. I don't think that's healthy but I've never been a wedding planner or had a wedding so what do I know.


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. SPOILER: They use the wedding venue for the main couple as their own wedding venue since they decide to elope. Excuse me! NO! Why did they get married? They knew each other for just about 4 days and don't even know that much about each other except why they do what they do. I knew they were getting married when he said some stuff, but I truly didn't want to believe that was what was going to happen. ALSO shout out to my boy Cake Kyng. Really brought light to this dark and out of touch movie. ALSO ALSO if your best friend tries to get you to help plan a wedding through threats then just don't have that person as a friend. ALSO ALSO ALSO don't answer your phone during your own wedding, that's just really rude.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, June 17, 2022

Listen out for Love



A romance movie revolving the people in a podcast, I mean sign me up. Regrets. Instant regrets. Also it was one of the free samples for the month of June so.

What in the world? 

A lady who wants to run podcasts teams up with some outgoingish guy so that she can boost the ratings in time for a promotion. They sign up some famous old lady that they can use to get listens as she tries to find love.

Personal thoughts

This movie was quite nothing. I mean it had certain charm, but once Roman (my favorite old man love interest) got booted, I found myself interested in how much time was left. Barry sucked. He looked like all he wanted to do was sell insurance and he didn't even speak enough for something else to happen other than he wanted to sit at the bar during speed dating. For real, Barry. For real. The main guy was trash and I couldn't figure out what he was. He seemed to change opinions in every scene. Oh the girl did the same though so don't even get me started on that. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I mean it had some moments like the old guy biking who had a wife but I mean it lacked charm that other ones had. I felt emotionally drained after watching this movie and I wish I could explain why. The side characters weren't even that interesting. Oh and the old lady who's supposed to be famous is kind of vague. We just know that she is rich and she has wrote books before. We don't know how she is famous or how famous she really is. Keep that in mind for a little before you forget what you just read. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Baby Proposal



This movie was the one I saw that looked like it would be the most intriguing. I'll let the description speak for itself.

What in the world?

Two co-hosts find themselves caring for a baby that was given to them by a fan. They find themselves falling in love with not only the baby but each other. 

Personal thoughts

Yeah I loved this movie. I mean of course it was bad it's a free movie to sample but it had great movie stuff. I lost my train of thought in that sentence so excuse that. I mean seeing a baby just get dropped off in a dressing room and left there was actually pretty sweet. Nothing about it seemed normal and I appreciated that. That is why UP Faith and Family has more interesting movies than Hallmark. Oh they didn't have that much chemistry either.


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I hated the time skip ending that happened at the end it just didn't really seem like a good way to end it. The baby did find a home with the co-host's brother so don't panic about that. Brad and Kyle were two of my favorite characters. Brad had the energy level of a snail and Kyle was the best chef that I had ever seen though. He just stood there and was a great on-screen presence. Oh the mom of the movie was pretty great as well. Just everyone but the main character's really. That's just how it is in these movies though. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wedding of Dreams



New month, new movies to sample. This was one that wasn't that interesting so of course that means I had to watch it first. 

What in the world?

Debbie Gibson is Debbie Taylor. She is trying to get married and appease her manager at the same time. It's a hard life for famous singer.

Personal thoughts

Okay I have to admit that this movie was okay. It definitely wasn't the best thing I had ever seen but it had its moments. If all the main dudes in this movie didn't look the exact same, then it might have been a bit better. Every time one of them was on screen I had to do a double take and pay attention so that I could identify which one it was supposed to be. The audio had a couple of great moments in it that I cannot accurately type out.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was pretty okay but Debbie just wasn't good. Sorry Debbie. The conflict of the movie was solved almost immediately so I couldn't really tell what the big deal was about even though it looked like the guy was cheating. But I mean it could have had a bit more screen time than a minute just about. Greeaat they got married and I didn't really understand their chemistry what a great movie. Also not to brag or anything but I correctly guessed their wedding cake flavor. Red velvet.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, June 6, 2022

Swimming for Gold



I just needed something to watch, and this seemed like a good movie to watch to kill some time. SPOILER: It was not a good movie to kill time.

What in the world?

An Olympic medalist has an accident and has to teach some boys how to swim good. 

Personal thoughts

I did not like this movie. It was so boring. The main character was not easy to understand throughout the whole thing and none of the characters were very interesting. I would have liked to see less swimming in the thing, but I guess it is a movie about swimming. The cuts in this movie were so weird and I can't understand what they were trying to do or convey by adding those in. Oh and the meditation guy. Not necessary at all.


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. There aren't many redeeming factors in this movie. Everything was twice as long as it needed to be and that goes for the movie length as well. The only fun I had watching this movie was near the end when I was losing my mind. The Cooper shirts in the movie were pretty great though so I appreciated that at the very least. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Mistletoe Mixup



Found this movie a while ago and figured that I had to watch it at some point. Fighting over the same girl. Yeah sure whatever, but two brothers fighting over the same girl. Now that's an intriguing movie. (SPOILER not really).

What in the world?

Two brothers fight over the same girl while on their family holiday retreat. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was okay but the romance between either of the two love interests was absolute trash. I mean they seemed like they had some sort of idea in their mind but they didn't know how to make it into a likeable movie. The characters of interest were kind of boring and the only ones that were cool were side characters. I'm sorry Harry but why were you even in the movie. I mean the ski shop thing was fine but then reuniting with your love from the past was weird dude. It was completely unnecessary, but I do love Harry I just can't comprehend what his role was. The main character was also way too deep in her head. She didn't have to choose a brother but in the end she actually does. Weird. 


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. The grandma was weird. I couldn't tolerate her at first but then at one point she left on horseback and my opinions changed completely. Like ok respect. Still can't believe that the main lady chose to stay with a brother. I would have been out of there before any of them could try to convince me otherwise. Although maybe I would have stayed for the drama. Probably not though let's be real here. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher