Saturday, July 30, 2022

Franklin Goes Back to School



I just wanted to put something on for noise and to watch and I mean this showed up. No other explanation why needed. 

What in the world? 

A turtle is upset that his teacher is missing (not dead) because he doesn't understand the concept of loss. He then has to learn to deal with this new emotion with a koala teacher. 

Personal thoughts

This... was not that bad. I know it looks weird, but I enjoyed it. I mean Harriett was weird, but I mean she did say "beep beep" that's something you have to have witnessed to understand. Also, the little beaver Kit was so cute and deserves every good thing that happens to him. Sidetracked. The main character was kind of just holding on to everything he had with a purpose. He did not want change to happen and I mean honestly same. I can relate to not wanting change but oh my gosh he was almost deathly against change. 


I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. It was pretty good and I never really had to check how much time was left. I was thoroughly invested the whole time. It's something I would recommend to people if they wanted something quick to watch. Oh, you also have to choose to get invested otherwise you'll just lose interest. That's an important factor in these types of movies.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher




This looked horrendous from the picture (not this one) so I had to check it out. It also had a couple names I recognized so there was that too.

What in the world?

A frog is having identity issues. That's basically the gist of the movie. 

Personal thoughts

No. This movie was just very weird. I suppose it had some good things like the song that played during the credits but I mean other than that it didn't do much. The animation was weird and every animal that was a side character was a racist stereotype somehow. The worst one probably was the Indian bat but the French spider was pretty bad. Oh the German manatees are also bad I forgot about them. The movie's progress was so slow. I felt like nothing was happening but then everything was happening. They liked to throw things in there that would eventually lead to plot progression.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It had its moments and the crocodile was pretty cool. I mean the spider teleported sometimes and that was pretty cool. I think every animal teleported at least once in this movie and that's something that needs to be appreciated. The plot was almost nonexistent but I mean the main character complained all the time. I think he had the self confidence of lets say a rock. It was really bad and you just wanted him to shut up the whole time.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Bridal Boot Camp



I have no idea. My sister just jumped the gun and clicked it so I was just along for the ride.

What in the world?

A bride-to-be attends a boot camp for brides in order to make sure that her marriage is perfect. Oh she thinks she is perfect by the way. Yikes.

Personal thoughts

A lot of the main cast sucked in this movie. The only likeable characters seemed to be the side characters. Why flirt with someone when you believe that you are engaged to your someone? Like what the heck! The main character did this and didn't expect there to be any consequences. I can't even. She goes and cries to her mom like this wasn't her fault and the world was against her. So sad. NOT!


I have to give this movie a 1 out of 10. The best friend spit some facts but that wasn't enough for the main character to see her flaws. I can't get over the main character and how stupid she was. But her fiancé was pretty great and didn't deserve the heartbreak she brought him. JUSTICE FOR JORDAN! Also, the love interest's name was Casey Connor. I'll let that one sit on your minds for a while. One of the best characters was a police officer named Patrick. He didn't do much but he did bring the movie up to a 1 along with other supporting cast so congrats Patrick.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Song to my Heart



Another free sample from the month and I was very excited to watch it. I mean tea. 

What in the world?

A music guy goes to a small town and happens upon his idol and the guy's daughter. He wants her to write songs for him.

Personal thoughts

The music in this movie was the absolute worst. I mean at least write some good things. A turtle could make better music than that. I mean they acted like the songs were the best thing in the world, but they couldn't be further from the truth. I mean the guy was cheesy and not even in a good way. His singing was pretty funny though even if it was a bit cringy. I'd never listen to his music. He also goes way out of his way to impress the girl that it's not even acceptable. SPOILER: He buys her her dream house and she's just okay with it. Somebody needs to teach that man how to spell b-o-u-n-d-a-r-i-e-s since he has so much trouble with words. 


I have to give this movie a 1.5 out of 10. The music was as I've said tons. It was absolutely garbage. The main musician of the movie was Hank Highstreet. He was good but I mean his music was still just absolute garbage. The romance wasn't even that good because they knew so little about each other, and they weren't even a great match to begin with. The only semi relationship they had was when he ate her cake. Uncalled for by the way. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

A Bridesmaid in Love



Yet another movie from the free samples of July. Not really much to say.

What in the world?

A professional bridesmaid begins to rekindle her love with her best friend from college or high school or something. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting. That seems to be something I say a lot but it's true. Both of the love interests in this movie were oblivious. I mean the bad love interest was a vet and all he really did was name drop animals and talk about the hamster rehabilitation conference. That's not a spoiler because it's not a plot point. The other guy was just kind of weird because he just picked up art and talked about nothing. He didn't even really help his sister plan her wedding because he was busy doing um nothing really. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that good either. She tried on a wedding dress and ripped it. SPOILER! She doesn't even end up wearing it she hands it to the bride. Very sad stuff and very desperate too. I can't really remember that much else from the movie except she would be a horrible person to do yoga with.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Christmas in Rome



Still Christmas in July at this time so foreign country Hallmark movie is pretty interesting I would assume. Or maybe you would have assumed that.

What in the world?

YOU'RE WRONG! It was a tour guide and a business man teaming up to complete business on two different ends. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was boring. I mean it was nice to see the Roman stuff I guess but I mean at the same time at least have some spice to it. There wasn't a lot to say on that end really. Also may I say that no one in that movie sent text messages. What kind of sick world is that where no one sends text messages. I hope I never have to live in that world. Sounds disturbing.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It was better than some of the other movies I've watched recently. There was a lot of this and that in the thing but I mean it wasn't enough to give me any real satisfaction from the film. It was fine I guess if you want a bland film with some interesting things to maybe see in the background. Other than that I can't say I learned much from the film but it was nice to see things. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

A Christmas Carousel



Carousels are a staple in my family so a Christmas movie with one is even better. 

What in the world?

Restoration people go to the kingdom of Ancadia to restore a carousel for a Christmas present. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was bad. I fell asleep during this movie and I can say that most people watching probably wanted to fall asleep too. They said that it was a misuse of carousels and was not a very good indicator/use of carousels and that it should never have been made. I think I have to agree with them it was pretty bad. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. The old man trying to get rid of his manor was great and that was nice. He sang a song while it got awkward. Well that's weird without context but I can't say any more or it would be considered a spoiler. Even more than it already was kind of. That's ok though. Oh the main lady's dad finds a romance partner too but that's not as exciting. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sleigh Bells Ring


Christmas in July is something profitable for some reason but I guess Christmas isn't as special as you think.

What in the world?

A single mom has to make a parade for a five year old man in less than 2 weeks time. Her ex meets up with her to fix oh I don't know a sleigh perhaps. Yes it was a sleigh.

Personal thoughts

This movie was strange I think. I kind of forgot the movie since I may have waited a day to review this one. I mean the old man in this movie had an obvious role in the film and if you've seen it then you know what I mean. The sleigh is beyond freaky though. It kind of just moved on its own throughout the whole thing and was basically a love plot device. Evil deceitful sleigh.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. I can't remember all too well how this one was but I remember it wasn't tragic. I mean it obviously had its moments but apparently none of them were bad enough to remember. I mean the mayor was a five year old and I'm sure the town has vetoed him from being the mayor since he was kind of bad at his job.

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Shark Attack 2


Well when we watched this movie it was shark week/month so that means a whole lot of shark content. 

What in the world?

Sharks attack Water World and that's all I know that they do really. They didn't try very hard to get meals though let me tell you.

Personal thoughts

This movie was kind of boring. The romance between girl and marine boy was very dull and it seemed to make the least amount of sense in the whole movie. Not the fact that the shark was trying too hard. I mean they literally could have had a feast but they decide to get this swim past people just to end up eating no one. Stupid sharks. Someone should have trained them better.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. I mean this could have been better. I did love how the shark broke a gate and no one really saw it as a problem until he went and got his friends so that they could all eat people. Water World was super problematic and it made sure that shark was fine and no one was gonna get hurt. I mean a couple of people got ate but that's about it and the death count could have been much higher. I do have to say that the sharks eating people was the best thing since Tartu. Call back! 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, July 18, 2022

Christmas Cookies



I don't even have to say why for these kinds of movies. CHRISTMAS IN JULY + HALLMARK!

What in the world?

A person who works for National Foods or something goes to the town of you'd never guess (COOKIE JAR) to buy out a factory of cookies. An old factory of cookies that was still in business mind you.

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie was ok. The Christmas tropes get thrown at you from left and right at the beginning and then they die down throughout the rest of the movie which is very disappointing. I didn't like any of the characters in this but I mean the main love interest got better near the end. For some reason in this movie, a little girl sang a song and you as the viewer had to listen to it and it was so awkward and weird. 


I have to give this a 2 out of 10. Believe me I did not find much enjoyment in this movie. Who has a movie with cookie in the title and yet they never decorate cookies. That's not normal and that's not ok. The boss character in this movie liked cookies a lot. I don't know I just felt like I had to add that in there because it's basically what saved their factory from becoming a lean clean corporate machine. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Death Curse of Tartu



Movies from way back when are some of the best things to watch if you want a horroresque movie. It tries but in the end it just isn't enough to get your blood pumping too hard. 

What in the world?

A group of teens and an oldish man go around camping and disturb the grounds of an ancient witch doctor that has very limited shape shifting abilities: Snake, alligator, and shark. LAME

Personal thoughts

This movie started off strong. Teens randomly dancing after being insulted. Really bad snake killings. It had it all. Too bad it just kind of died off though. Sadly, I fell asleep twice but I was assured that I hadn't missed anything since it was just a girl screaming for over 5 minutes. THAT'S TOO LONG! I swear I fell asleep while she was screaming and woke up to her still screaming. How does someone even realistically scream that long. Whatever it's fine. SPOILER: She dies from a single alligator bite anyway she was weak. 


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. There was a lot of weird things that left me with questions once the movie was over. I mean it had a weird plot and I appreciated the witch doctor killing people as a shark in Florida. Did I mention that it was in Florida? None of the characters had redeemable qualities and that's what brought this movie down. The death scenes were pretty funny though so that's what brought it up a point in my book. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Mega Shark vs Kolossus



The sequel perhaps to mega shark versus giant octopus. Of course I had to watch it. 

What in the world?

Another mega shark arises and so do the Russians? I don't know the plot was so weird. 

Personal thoughts

This thing is so ugly. I think this is something that terrifies me. What happens though is beyond comprehension. All of the people with me kept asking what is happening or why are they doing that? I just can't understand who made this movie. The twists and turns in this movie are so crazy I can't even begin to describe what happens without spoiling anything. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. It was pretty good but the specialness of the first movie shall live in my heart forever. This movie felt more composed but worsely written. I mean come on if you've seen this movie then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't then just take my word for it. I can't even. The whole thing was confusing and I can't even accurately describe it. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Christmas in Tahoe



Welcome to the month of July or if you're not reading this in July then imagine it's July. It is the month of Christmas so it's nice to have an influx of Hallmark movies. 

What in the world?

A woman wants to work in Vegas for variety shows and must find help from her former boyfriend/employee to find replacements for her show. 

Personal thoughts

This was an okay movie. It was nice to not have conflict. KIDDING! What kind of Hallmark movie is it if there isn't any conflict. I mean like come on you can't just not give me love interest conflict. Things need to happen. Anyway there wasn't even a conflicting love interest in the movie so it all felt too easy honestly. It didn't need to be like that it could have been ten times better. I could have written a more interesting movie than this.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. It was fine but I mean so are most Hallmark movies. All the acts that were put on that involved music of any kind were really bad. I mean when the people watching with me heard the guy on the left sing we were kind of impressed. He sung again later and it was really bad. The acapella and rock group that played were also really bad. I would like to inform you that one of the words in a song was Decemberin. I want you to use that in the real world and confuse people. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus



Shark movies are always popular for some reason so sometimes you just have to watch and enjoy.

What in the world?

Debbie Gibson goes on a journey to stop a mega shark and a giant octopus by making sure that they cannot do any damage to society. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was almost freaking amazing. I mean it could have been if things would have just sped up a lot. Debbie had romance and got frisky in a broom closet. But this meant that they could save the world, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. It was probably the weirdest thing that could have happened in the entire movie and I hated how it affected the end of the movie. Not cool with that. Just know that physical attraction can bring two species that hate each other to attack each other. 


I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. I really loved this movie. The fact that things were slow was really upsetting. The shark and the octopus were the best thing that could have ever happened. I highly recommend seeing this movie if you have time and can somehow find it on your own. It was a good thing to see and it can brighten a day if only for a bit. You don't even have to worry about cuss words I think because the way I watched it had cuss words bleeped out but with silence. Something that you should walk away with is this line, "Don't love the ocean so much. It doesn't love you back." Fellow ocean lovers out there beware.  

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Friday, July 8, 2022

A Christmas Duet



This was one of the free samples for the month and it comes along with Hallmark's Christmas in July fest.

What in the world?

An innkeeper former singer is met with her duet partner, and she has to prepare a festival and battle love at the same time. 

Personal thoughts

I was kind of distracted from this throughout, but I know what I'm talking about. The guy has no character development. I mean sure maybe (SPOILER) he doesn't want to sing alone anymore, but that doesn't mean anything. Does he even like Christmas anymore? If they have a rough patch, is he going to give up on the holiday entirely? Answers no one will ever know. The inn lady review person is so weird. She is always around when anyone mentions anything about a potential problem but then says that she does this for fun or is having fun. Girl stop looking for problems all the time like you want them to fail. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. Yes, the music was trash even though it was the sole focus of the film. The only good character, Arnold, was very confusing. He knew everything that was happening in the town, but his position was never established. Mayor, politician, mafia member, spy??? Doesn't matter he was also a singer. He also is a miracle worker seeing as how he had a cold one day and immediately was better the next. I need that immune system. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, July 4, 2022

Seal Team



This movie trailer for this started playing after a show or something and it looked so bad and interesting that my sister felt like we had to watch it.

What in the world?

Seals team up to try and stop the annihilation of their species happen thanks to sharks. Sharks obviously don't like that so that's where we get conflict.

Personal thoughts

This movie was ugh kind of decent. I don't watch movies that are decent a lot so this one was kind of surprising. I don't know how well it ranked on anything, but I would recommend it to someone that has younger people around. I mean the sharks coming together were cool but there was this fish. I don't know what kind of fish it was but it was awesome. It was like a telephone fish that glows red sometimes depending on I don't know internal responsibilities (don't ask). This movie had a surprising amount of deaths. You'd think that it would have like a ton because food chain but actually it only had two. A seal being eaten by a shark and SPOILER: that said shark dying a horrid death of being chopped up by a ship fan.


I have to give this movie a large number of 7 out of 10. A part of me wanted to hate this movie because it had some decent jokes. I never really know how to feel watching a decent movie. I mean obviously some of it was for kids but other than that it was good. Justice for Dave is something I strongly support. He got so much hate for being himself shame. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher