Friday, September 30, 2022

Lupin the Third: Bye Bye Lady Liberty



I had some time to kill in the morning so I decided to watch this.

What in the world?

I have no idea. I don't know.

Personal thoughts

This movie was a trip. It jumped from diamond stealing to computer programming stealing to people stealing. That's a lot of stealing for one movie let's be real here. There was so much happening that got connected at the very end but it was just so confusing. Like the guy breathed a sword into existence. I couldn't make that up even if I tried. It didn't even stab anything it just acted as a slide for an evil drop of saliva. It's freaking crazy.


I have to give this movie a 8 out of 10. This movie had me talking to myself it was that interesting. I laughed out loud at some parts which is rare. I mean they randomly brought up something one time and then it never came up again. I don't even remember what it was. I was confused during the first part of this movie since this clearly wasn't the first of it's kind but it was the first one that I had decided to watch. It was definitely interesting though. 

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Shark Side of the Moon



For some reason there was an interest to watch this and I don't even really know why.

What in the world?

Russia sent some sharks up to the moon a while ago and now the US has found out because tehy landed on the dark side of the moon. Get it.

Personal thoughts

This movie was okay at the beginning but then it just took a sharp turn to madness near the middle. I mean the plot wasn't even that interesting and my favorite character, the algae, didn't really help as much as I thought it would. The sharks looked terrifyingly funny the entire time but after a while they just all looked the same. I hate to say it, but it's true.


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. It's not the worst thing I've watched. It's up there though. I loved the obvious green screen that added so much character to the movie. One of the actresses laughed while she was trying to say a line and that just ruined it for me. Take the shark hybrids seriously lady. She didn't die which would have been perfect but they leave the movie up for a sequel which is a bad thing. I shall keep my eyes open though.

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Alpha Rift



The dude looks like a rip off storm trooper so it only makes sense that I should watch it.

What in the world?

A guy comes from a line of noblemen who fight demons forever. Well it's an endless fight between good and evil. I'm sure they can die of old age. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was interesting and it had no right to be that good. I mean there were some points that were completely pointless, but isn't that all movies. The humor was a bit on the nose and I feel like it could have been better. The costumes were funnier than half of the jokes they were trying to make. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. I would watch it again after a month or so and with other people, but that's the only reason I would watch it again. It can get a bit boring at times with fight scenes dragging on and appearing for no reason so you just have to watch people fight each other for the longest time. If that had been reduced then the movie would have been better than what it was. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Prince of Dinosaurs



I've seen this movie floating around for a couple of years so I decided to go ahead and watch it. 

What in the world? 

A boy drifts in and out of sleep as he narrates and stars in a story about whaaat the prince of dinosaurs?!

Personal thoughts

This movie felt like a fever dream after a while. Granted I was already slightly losing my mind this just made it worse. In a good way of course. There was an amazing dinosaur doing an amazing clap and I can't even describe to you what it looked like. It was beautiful though just you know that. I mean the main characters were kind of annoying but the side characters were pretty cool. Well the main characters either did too much or nothing at all so there was no in between for them. 


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It kept me entertained and I had some laughs along the way. I mean I may or may not be broken by now but that's irrelevant. The movie was pretty good and the rocks moving were terrifying. I've you have seen it then you know what I mean when I say that. It's only specific characters. There was a cool jaguar, tiger, big cat thing that was a pretty cool character so yeah. Worth a watch I would think.

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Sweet Pecan Summer



Hallmark movies are always in style and it's getting to that time of year. Yes this one is in summer, but that's not the point.

What in the world?

A girl goes back to her pecan home so she can help her aunt sell it with the help of her ex boyfriend who is now a real estate broker. 

Personal thoughts

The side characters in this movie were absolutely too much. I mean the main characters were kind of okay but they were far from the okay. I mean Carol seemed like she had taken drugs and so did everyone else in this movie. I mean the message was sweet I suppose but everyone had their personalities cranked to 11 and it was a bit much for me. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. Average Hallmark movie with a bit of hallucinogens involved which is fine but they went way too overboard. We don't even find out what the characters do with their time at the end of the movie just that the one follows his passion or whatever. Not good enough Hallmark. Not good enough.

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Your fellow film watcher

Friday, September 23, 2022

Battle Star Wars



This movie was recommended by good ol Tubi. I also had some time to kill so there's that.

What in the world?

So basically this whole movie is about conflict and fighting. It's in space though so space pew pews. 

Personal thoughts

I kind of liked this movie. I mean they very rarely left the setting of a ship but that's ok. I mean it could have been worse. The characters were interesting enough that I thought that some of them would make it out alive. I mean they all did but that's not what I meant. I was rooting for them to stay alive. 


I have to give this movie an 8 out of 10. It had classic moments. Norvak was my favorite character. I mean the bad guy (up above) was pretty cool too but I guess he is kind of a murderer. That's besides the point though he was cool and he was just having some struggles. There was this one character that I wanted to die but he kept showing up and then it looks like there could be a sequel to this movie but I have no idea when or if that's even happening. I don't think I would watch the sequel if they stay on ships for the entire movie. 

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Your fellow film watcher 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Green Ghost



It looked like it would be a trip to watch it and it was. 

What in the world?

Some guy wants a green stone so that he can bring about the apocalypse so they have to try and stop him. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was kind of dull. I mean the writing was interesting to say the least and I can't believe the ending of this movie. Or how they stopped everything from falling apart at least. I think you can guess what they used to kill the bad guy and save the business. I refuse to say it though so I hope you can read thoughts or just basic laws of movies. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. I mean it was dedicated to the guy's grandma I can't say anything too bad about it especially if she does/did have powers. Oh I did love how they put that the guy was the Green Ghost and himself. On separate lines. I don't see why they couldn't combine the two but I thought it was amazing. Also Danny Trejo is in this movie which is probably the most surprising thing about the movie. OH! Don't forget about drunken karate.

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My sister really wanted to watch this movie and I can see why. Also this guy is unimportant but it was the only image I could get to work.

What in the world?

A priest somehow cuts himself on a dino thing and becomes a Velociraptor when he is angry. Think the Hulk but less green. 

Personal thoughts

This movie was something else. I can't even begin to describe it without enough detail. There's so many spoilers that I could say but I shall not. Just know that everything is crazy. I mean there is a very unwatchable scene in the movie so watch out for that if you decide to watch it.


I have to give this movie a 7 out of 10. It was okay but I mean it was ok. There were some things that made it stand out but it's also like a lot of other movies. The heart was there I could tell it just wasn't there enough. I mean too much heart was there at one point. I can't. It never should have happened I'm going to say it. It was very unnecessary and I did not want to have to see any of that. I miss all the people that died in that movie. They were pretty cool and didn't deserve to die even if the one guy threw a baby in a river. You'd need context to understand that.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Great Escape



I just wanted something to put on and this seemed like it would be entertaining and would be something to do. Little did I know how right I actually was.

What in the world?

Sherlock Holmes is a dog and he solves a crime. I don't know if there was a book with this in it, but I can say that there is a movie with the great escape. I did some research and I still don't have answers.

Personal thoughts

This movie was not exactly what I thought it would be. It got a lot darker than I thought it would which was pretty nice. I mean not in that way it's just refreshing to see violence in animation styles. I mean that's still weird but it's not really what I mean. Anyway, I was thoroughly invested throughout the whole movie and I am sad to say that there is not a sequel. I mean Sherlock Holmes as a dog who knows martial arts. Sign me up.


I have to give this movie a 9 out of 10. It wasn't perfect but boy was it close. I mean the heart and the plot were just amazing. The after credits scene kind of threw me for a loop but it was great. I'm just disappointed that it doesn't have a sequel. I would definitely recommend watching it. 

Watch what you love,
Your fellow film watcher

Monday, September 19, 2022

100 Degrees Below Zero



This movie was recommended a while ago and I finally got around to watching it.

What in the world?

The glaciers and volcanoes are erupting so that means it's freezing time. It mainly affects Europe in case you were curious.

Personal thoughts

I thought this movie was ok. I mean I didn't really understand how people were getting around in the movie but that's ok. The plan was to get everyone to Australia which is crazy and I don't even know if they were successful or not. The guy, Ryan, kept falling down like all the time. When I mean all the time I mean every 10 minutes. He even made himself unconscious a decent amount of the time. I think he was my favorite character though. He had pizzazz.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. The pacing was slow but the falling down was fast. I mean the people drove around a lot and their kids walked around a lot. There was a lot of nothing and they didn't really build up any of the characters so that I wanted any of them to make it. OH! There was this business meeting over Zoom in the movie and it was just also my favorite thing. It was beautiful and it had so much (kidding) to do with the plot.

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Monday, September 12, 2022

2012: Ice Age



This one was recommended a long time ago and it took me a while to get to it and boy do I regret it.

What in the world?

A glacier is blowing up and moving towards the East Coast on a destructive path and a family wants to reunite at the East Coast.

Personal thoughts

The pacing in this movie was so slow. I think like half of that movie could have been taken out and I would have been fine. The main guy was an interesting sort since all of his knowledge came from science class. At least in my mind that is. I mean the car hijacking didn't make much sense and it just kind of happened. That was probably the most climactic part of the movie and it wasn't even that important in the end. 


I have to give this movie a 2 out of 10. Whether it was because of how late we watched it or how boring it was it just didn't hit like the other movies do. I mean it had explosions. Nuclear explosions so that was pretty cool. I just like how the military almost instantly declared war on a glacier. That was pretty cool but the main movie was just so boring.

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Your fellow film watcher

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Time Pirates



It was a Tubi original so I had to watch it. I mean not necessarily but it seemed like it would have been a good idea at the time.

What in the world?

A family band sings some words and gets sent back in time into the pirates time. The absolute best time to be a time pirate.

Personal thoughts

I had seen this band talked about by one of the Youtubers I watched and once I realized that I had seen them before it was too late. The horrible green screen had already made a resounding yes in my heart so I had to watch the whole thing. I mean it wasn't as bad as it could have been honestly. I mean I did get to screenshot one of my favorite characters. I forgot his name but he's dead and he talked as a skeleton. I literally can't remember his name.


I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10. It had a couple of moments but the songs were just ugh. I mean the beats weren't bad sometimes but all the words seemed the same and they just weren't that good in my opinion. The acting was pretty bad throughout the whole thing and it just seemed like they were doing it to promote a tour or something? I didn't really get the heart from this film and it was clearly directed more for children than anything else. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Man in the Iron Mask



Well I was going to watch an old Phantom of the Opera only to find out that it was actually a play. So instead I decided to watch this movie.

What in the world?

It's a telling of the famed Man in the Iron Mask legend and/or book.

Personal thoughts

I mean this movie was okay. I think the last half of the movie the editors took drugs because it felt like I was high the whole time. And then there was the hunting scene at the beginning of the movie. Heck no I hated that. They played the same music the entire time and I thought I was actually going to go insane. Oh and the dog and the fox. I can't even begin to describe to you what that part felt like because that was also really weird.


I have to give this movie a 4 out of 10. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it but I also felt like I was slowly going insane the entire time the film was on. The proportions on some of the characters is actually insane though and I think that also made me go insane. I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you were high. OH and the bed was just lovely. How they got it up and down was crazy because the inhuman strength you would need to possess is just absolutely insane.

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Your fellow film watcher

Monday, September 5, 2022

Pumpkin Pie Wars


It's that time of year again so you know that means Hallmark movies that take place at fall festivals.

What in the world?

A feud between friends is supposed to go down to their children but I mean obviously not because then there would be no movie. 

Personal thoughts

I think I enjoyed this movie more than some of the other Hallmark ones we've watched and it has one of the stupidest titles ever. I mean the characters were the same as usual but the side characters were pretty good. The dads continuing to play golf while the moms bickered was one of the best solutions to a problem I have ever seen. 


I have to give this movie a 8 out of 10. The way the characters won the competition was cheap only because Petty Betty took parts of their recipes. I don't really know why she did that but she did and lost the competition and her friends. It really came out of left field because she didn't really have that character trait beforehand. But my family was rooting for Gail to win. Too bad she competed in the first round one group with the main characters so she was bound to stay in the first round. We didn't know there were other groups until they randomly said group three or two. That was so weird. 

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Your fellow film watcher

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Abrafaxe: Under the Black Flag



I saw this movie a couple of days ago and thought it was something that I needed to see. I was wrong by the way.

What in the world?

Three kids are sent back to pirate days for a reason that I don't really know.

Personal thoughts

This movie was okay. The only song with lyrics in it wasn't even good though so that was a disappointment. My favorite character got killed off too which made the movie even worse the rest of the time since it felt kind of boring. 


I have to give this movie a 6 out of 10. The effort was there to make something exciting but it just kind of ends. There's not even any resolution really it just kind of sends them back and we don't see anything other than that. It would have been nice to do a follow-up with the boys to see how they were doing mentally and what not since the one kid had an emotional attachment to the pirate queen.

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The Odyssey



The cover for this movie looked amazing so it just had to be watched. 

What in the world?

An animated version of the tale The Odyssey.

Personal thoughts

This movie was something else. All Odysseus liked to do was point and nod. To be fair, it got his points across really well. The siren song was pretty funny and I enjoyed them "singing" to try and get the ship to crash. The right-hand man was also funny seeing as how he waited like two seconds before trying to get some food for himself. 


I have to give this movie a 5 out of 10. It's your basic animated tale so nothing exciting really happens. I do have to say that the marriage proposal in the movie is top notch. Also, it kind of ends on a cliffhanger where you don't know what will happen but it never gets resolved. 

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